Sandleford Appeal core documents library
This is the core documents library. This includes all relevant documents (core documents pre-fixed CD), pre-dating the opening of the Inquiry.
You can also find all documents listed here. Any documents listed below as 'to be uploaded' can be found using this link.
You can view the full core documents list here:
Full Core Documents List [440KB]
Any documents submitted during the inquiry can be accessed on the inquiry documents library page.
CD1 - Planning application documents
CD1.1 - Covering Letter [188KB]
CD1.2 - Application Form and Certificates [266KB]
CD1.3 - Planning Statement [10MB]
CD1.4 - Affordable Housing Statement [224KB]
CD1.5 - Transport Assessment (incl. Travel Plan) [8MB]
CD1.6 - Environmental Statement Non-Technical Survey [8MB]
- CD1.7 - Environmental Statement Main Text (Vol 1) (see documents in section CD20)
- CD1.8 - Environmental Statement A3 Figures (Vol 2) (Redacted) (see documents in section CD21)
- CD1.9 - Environmental Statement Appendices (Vol 3) (Redacted) (see documents in section CD22)
CD1.10 Design and Access Statement [21MB]
CD1.11 - Statement of Community Involvement [1MB]
CD1.12 - Draft Planning Conditions [5MB]
CD1.13 - Energy and Sustainability Statement [6MB]
CD1.14 - Draft S106 Agreement [340KB]
CD1.15 - Response to Reasons for Refusal 16/03309/OUTMAJ [3MB]
CD1.16- Memorandum of Understanding May 2020 [15MB]
CD1.17 -Application Boundary (red line/site plan) (14.273 PP01 Rev B) [2MB]
CD1.18- Land Use and Access Parameter Plan (14.273 PP02 Rev H1) [2MB]
CD1.19 -Green Infrastructure Parameter Plan (14.273 PP03 Rev G1) [2MB]
CD1.20 -Building Heights Parameter Plan (14.273 PP03 Rev G1) [2MB]
CD1.21 -Strategic Landscape and Green Infrastructure Plan (04627.00005.16.632.13) [9MB]
CD1.22 -Country Park Phasing Plan (04627.000065.16.306.15) [1MB]
CD1.23- Parcelisation Plan (04627.000065.16.306.15) [2MB]
CD1.24 -Main Access Road Plan (14.273 298) [2MB]
CD1.25 -Monks Lane Access (east) (172985_A_07.1) [223KB]
CD1.26 -Monks Lane Access (west) (172985_A_08) [256KB]
CD1.27 -Combined Land Use and Access Parameter Plan (14.273 PP02 Rev I) [2MB]
CD1.28 -Combined Green Infrastructure Parameter Plan (14.273 PP03 Rev H) [2MB]
CD1.29 -Combined Building Heights Parameter Plan (14.273 PP04 Rev H) [2MB]
CD1.30 -Combined Strategic Landscape and Green Infrastructure Plan (04627.00005.16.632.14) [6MB]
CD1.31 -Illustrative Masterplan (14.273 171) [2MB]
CD2 - consultation responses
CD2.1 -Adult Social Care response to application 27/7/20 [74KB]
CD2.2 -Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) response to application 14/9/20 [109KB]
CD2.3 - Landscape Consultant response to application 15/9/20 [126KB]
CD2.4 -Landscape Consultant response to 'Wheatcroft' proposals 2/3/21 [144KB]
CD2.5 -Archaeology response to application 4/8/20 [151KB]
CD2.6 -Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire Wildlife Trusts (BBOWT) response to application 24/7/20 [185KB]
CD2.7 -Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire Wildlife Trusts (BBOWT) further response to application 4/8/20 [90KB]
CD2.8 -Basingstoke and Deane response to application 15/7/20 [282KB]
CD2.9 -Berkshire Gardens Trust response to application 22/7/20 [117KB]
CD2.10 -Berkshire Gardens Trust additional comments to application 26/8/20 [90KB]
CD2.11 -Binfield Badger Group response to application 11/8/20 (Redacted) [66KB]
CD2.12 -Canal & Rivers Trust response to application 29/6/20 [235KB]
CD2.13 -Conservation and Design Officer response to application 15/7/20 [59KB]
CD2.14 -Ecologist response to application 16/9/20 (Redacted) [96KB]
CD2.15 -Economic Development Manager response to application 14/7/20 [70KB]
CD2.16 -Education Service response to application 31/7/20 [67KB]
CD2.17 -Environment Agency response to application 4/8/20 [122KB]
CD2.18 -Environmental Health response to application 25/6/20 [92KB]
CD2.19 -Forestry Commission response to application 21/8/20 [168KB]
CD2.20 - Greenham Parish Council response to application 14/8/20 [300KB]
CD2.21 -Hampshire Country Council response to application 31/7/20 [90KB]
CD2.22 -Highways Officer response to application 8/9/20 [309KB]
CD2.23 -Transport Policy Officer response to application 16/9/20 [81KB]
CD2.24 -Tree Officer response to application 16/9/20 [158KB]
CD2.25 -Waste Management Service response to application 25/6/20 [90KB]
CD2.26 -Highways England response to application 4/9/20 [71KB]
CD2.27 -Highways England further response to application 30/10/20 (post decision) [216KB]
CD2.28 -Historic England response to application 7/7/20 [146KB]
CD2.29 -Housing Service response to application 5/8/20 [63KB]
CD2.30 -Mineral and Waste Service response to application 26/6/20 [74KB]
CD2.31 -Ministry of Defence response to application 14/7/20 [23KB]
CD2.32 -Natural England response to application 20/7/20 [249KB]
CD2.33 -Natural England further response to application 4/9/20 [102KB]
CD2.34 -Natural England further response to application 16/11/20 (post decision) [1MB]
CD2.35 -Newbury Town Council response to application 7/7/20 [199KB]
CD2.36 -Newbury Town Council response to application 11/8/20 [6MB]
CD2.37 -Planning Policy response to application 17/09/20 [104KB]
CD2.38 -Public Rights of Way Officer response to application 7/9/20 [47KB]
CD2.39 -Public Rights of Way Officer attachment to response to application 7/9/20 [1MB]
CD2.40 -Ramblers' Association response to application 29/7/20 [80KB]
CD2.41 -Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service response to application 10/7/20 [164KB]
CD2.42 -SPOKES response to application 19/8/20 part 1 [73KB]
CD2.43 -SPOKES response to application 19/8/20 part 2 [86KB]
CD2.44 -SPOKES response to application 19/8/20 part 3 [213KB]
CD2.45 -Sport England 1st response to application 2/7/20 [121KB]
CD2.46 -Sport England 2nd response to application 7/7/20 [142KB]
CD2.47 -Thames Valley Police response to application 23/7/20 [107KB]
CD2.48 -Thames Water 1st response to application 10/7/20 [86KB]
CD2.49 -Thames Water 2nd response to application 10/7/20 [126KB]
CD2.50 -The Woodland Trust 1st response to application 31/7/20 [499KB]
CD2.51 -The Woodland Trust 2nd response to application 14/9/20 [122KB]
CD3 - application correspondence
CD3.1 Email correspondence between Council and Applicants’ agent during application (2 July to 29 September 2020) [3MB]
CD3.2 -Email from Applicants' agent - Notification of intention to appeal against non-determination by Inquiry [56KB]
CD3.3 -Notification of intention to appeal against non-determination by Inquiry [198KB]
CD4 - application decision
CD5 - statements of case
CD5.1 -Appellants' Statement of Case [6MB]
CD5.2 -Council Statement of Case [2MB]
CD5.2.1 -Council Statement of Case Appendix SoC1 (see Core Document CD4.1) [1MB]
CD5.3 -Newbury Town Council/Greenham Parish Council Statement of Case [9MB]
CD5.3.1 -Newbury Town Council/Greenham Parish Council Appendix 1 - Warren Road Junction Distance to Community Facilities [949KB]
CD5.3.2 -Newbury Town Council/Greenham Parish Council Appendix 2 - A339, Pinchington Lane, Monks Lane Junction [934KB]
CD5.3.3 -Newbury Town Council/Greenham Parish Council Appendix 3 - Ancient Woodland Buffer Zones [6MB]
CD5.3.4 -Newbury Town Council/Greenham Parish Council Appendix 4 - Variation in Woodland Buffer Width Specified by LPAs [1MB]
CD5.3.5 -Newbury Town Council/Greenham Parish Council Appendix 5 - Housing Alignment and Solar Energy [419KB]
CD5.4 -'Say no to Sandleford' Statement of Case [379KB]
CD6 - wheatcroft documents
CD6.1 -LPA/Appellants Joint Statement on Wheatcroft Consultation [69KB]
CD6.2 - Response to Comments for Consultees [17MB]
CD6.3 -Valley Crossing Study (Appendix 4 of SoC) [10MB]
CD6.4 - Alternative Playing Pitch Scheme (Appendix 5 of SoC) [267KB]
CD6.5 -Arboricultural Impact Assessment (Oct 2020) [13MB]
CD6.6 -Comments received in response to Wheatcroft Consultation [7MB]
CD7 - S.106 planning obligation / planning conditions
CD7.1 - Draft Unilateral Undertaking submitted 21st April 2021 [1MB]
CD7.2 - Explanatory Note to accompany Draft Unilateral Undertaking [558KB]
CD7.3 - CIL Compliance Statement [631KB]
CD7.4 - Draft Planning Conditions submitted 21st April 2021 [478KB]
CD8 - policy/guidance documents
National policy
CD8.1 -National Planning Policy Framework (2019) [593KB]
CD8.2 -Planning Practice Guidance [93KB]
CD8.3 -National Planning Policy Framework (2012) [869KB]
CD8.4 -National Design Guide [10MB]
Development plan
CD8.5 -West Berkshire Core Strategy (2006-2026) adopted 2012 [6MB]
CD8.6 -West Berkshire Housing Site Allocations DPD (2006-2026) adopted 2017 [8MB]
CD8.7 - West Berkshire Local Plan 2005 (Saved Policies 2007 as updated 2012 and 2017)) [1MB]
CD8.8 -Replacement Minerals Local Plan for Berkshire [23MB]
CD8.9 - Waste Local Plan for Berkshire [8MB]
CD8.10 -Core Strategy Inspector's Report [308KB]
Emerging documents
CD8.11 -National Planning Policy Framework (draft text for consultation) 2021 [590KB]
CD8.12 -National Model Design Code January (2021) [6MB]
CD8.13 -West Berkshire Local Plan Review: Emerging Draft (2020-2037) Regulation 18 December 2020 [9MB]
Other policy / guidance documents
CD8.14 - WBC Sandleford Park SPD (2015) [7MB]
CD8.15 - WBC Planning Obligations SPD (2015) [813KB]
CD8.16 - WBC Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (2018) [11MB]
CD8.17 - WBC Quality Design (2006) [2MB]
CD8.18 - WBC Strategic Housing Market Assessment (2016) [5MB]
CD8.19 - WBC Updated Housing Needs Evidence (2020) [617KB]
CD8.20 - WBC Infrastructure Delivery Plan (2016) [382KB]
- CD8.21 - WBC Landscape Character Assessment (2019)
CD8.22 - WBC Landscape Character Sensitivity Study (2009) [3MB]
CD8.23 - WYG Sandleford Park Landscape and Visual Assessment (2009) [8MB]
CD8.24 - Newbury Town Design Statement (2018) [3MB]
CD8.25 - West Berkshire Environment Strategy (2020-2030) [3MB]
CD8.26 - West Berkshire Local Transport Plan (2011-2026) [2MB]
CD8.27 - West Berkshire CIL Charging Schedule [3MB]
CD8.28 - West Berkshire CIL Governance Arrangements [183KB]
CD8.29 - Manual for Streets (DFT, 2007) [4MB]
CD8.30 - Government Response to the Future Homes Standards Consultation (2021) [1MB]
CD8.31 - Ancient Woodland, ancient trees and veteran trees: protecting them from development (Forestry Commission / Natural England, 2018) [318KB]
CD9 - statement(s) of common ground
CD10 - appellants' evidence
CD10.1 - APP1 Proof of Evidence Owen Jones [1MB]
CD10.2 APP2 Appendices Owen Jones [19MB]
CD10.3 - APP3 Summary Owen Jones [315KB]
CD10.4 - APP4 Proof of Evidence Julian Cooper [4MB]
CD10.5 - APP/5 Julian Cooper Appendices [13MB]
CD10.6 - APP6 Summary Julian Cooper [1MB]
CD10.7 - APP7 Proof of Evidence David Bird [1MB]
CD10.8 APP8 Appendices David Bird [7MB]
CD10.9 - APP9 Summary David Bird [1MB]
CD10.10 - APP10 Proof of Evidence Chris Allder [631KB]
CD10.11 - APP/11 Chris Allder Appendices [25MB]
CD10.12 - APP12 Summary Chris Allder [136KB]
CD10.13 - APP13 Proof of Evidence David West [270KB]
CD10.14 - APP/14 David West Appendices [27MB]
CD10.15 - APP15 Summary David West [77KB]
CD10.16 - APP16 Proof of Evidence Lee Witts [801KB]
CD10.17 APP17 Appendices Lee Witts [15MB]
CD10.18 - APP18 Summary Lee Witts [163KB]
CD10.19 - APP19 Proof of Evidence Chris Garratt [399KB]
CD10.20 - APP20 Appendices Chris Garratt [613KB]
CD10.21 - APP21 Summary Chris Garratt [191KB]
CD10.22 - APP22 Proof of Evidence Andrew Williams [1MB]
CD10.23 APP23 Appendices Andrew Williams [9MB]
CD10.24 - APP24 Summary Andrew Willams [1MB]
CD10.25 - APP25 Proof of Evidence Nigel Mann [680KB]
CD10.26 - APP26 Appendices Nigel Mann [928KB]
CD10.27 - APP27 Summary Nigel Mann [89KB]
CD10.28 - APP28 Proof of Evidence James Hinde [2MB]
CD10.29 APP29 Appendices James Hinde [8MB]
CD10.30 - APP30 Summary James Hinde [818KB]
CD10.31 - APP 31 - Owen Jones Rebuttal Proof of Evidence [1MB]
CD10.32 - APP 32 - Julian Cooper Rebuttal Proof of Evidence [1MB]
CD10.33 - APP 33 - David Bird Rebuttal Proof of Evidence [2MB]
CD10.34 - APP 34 - Chris Allder Rebuttal Proof of Evidence [608KB]
CD10.35 - APP 35 - David West Rebuttal Proof of Evidence [198KB]
CD10.36 APP36 Lee Witts Rebuttal Proof of Evidence [8MB]
CD10.37 - APP 37 - Chris Garratt Rebuttal Proof of Evidence [212KB]
CD10.38 - APP 38 - Nigel Mann Rebuttal Proof of Evidence [287KB]
CD10.39 - APP 39 - James Hinde Rebuttal Proof of Evidence [3MB]
CD11 - council's evidence
CD11.1 - Planning Proof of Evidence [2MB]
CD11.2 - Appendix NG1 to Planning PoE [138KB]
CD11.3 - Appendix NG2 to Planning PoE [87KB]
CD11.4 - Landscape Proof of Evidence [569KB]
CD11.5 Landscape Appendices to PoE [4MB]
CD11.6 Highways Proof of Evidence [168KB]
CD11.7 - Highways Appendices to PoE [2MB]
CD11.8 - Trees Proof of Evidence [350KB]
CD11.9 - Trees Appendix to Proof of Evidence [617KB]
CD11.10 - Ecology PoE Final Version [512KB]
CD11.11 Drainage Proof of Evidence [108KB]
CD11.12 - Drainage Appendices to PoE [19MB]
CD11.13 Education Proof of Evidence [94KB]
CD11.14 - Education Appendices to PoE [491KB]
CD11.15 - Affordable Housing PoE [104KB]
CD11.16 - Trees Rebuttal to Proof of Evidence (Andrew Giles) [186KB]
CD11.17 - Ecology Rebuttal to Proof of Evidence (Susan Deakin) [493KB]
CD11.18 - Drainage Rebuttal to Proof of Evidence (Jon Bowden) [202KB]
CD11.19 - Education Rebuttal to Proof of Evidence (Vincent Haines) [192KB]
CD12 - rule 6 parties' evidence
CD12.1 Adrian Abbs PoE GPC-NTC [1MB]
CD12.2 Chris Foster PoE GPC-NTC [523KB]
CD12.3 Tony Vickers PoE GPC-NTC [162KB]
CD12.4 Tony Vickers PoE GPC-NTC Appendices [2MB]
CD12.5 SNTS Proof of Evidence [471KB]
CD12.6 SNTS Appendix A to PoE [8MB]
CD12.7 SNTS Appendix B to PoE [671KB]
CD12.8 SNTS Appendix C to PoE [222KB]
CD12.9 SNTS Appendix D to PoE [2MB]
CD12.10 SNTS Appendix E to PoE [2MB]
CD12.11 SNTS Appendix F to PoE [321KB]
CD12.12 SNTS Appendix G to PoE [276KB]
CD12.13 SNTS Appendix H to Proof of Evidence [1MB]
CD12.14 Tony Vickers Rebuttal (GPC-NTC) [324KB]
CD13 - relevant planning history
The appeal site
CD13.1 -15/02300/OUTMAJ Decision Notice - Refused [83KB]
CD13.2 -16/00106/OUTMAJ Decision Notice - Refused [158KB]
CD13.3 -16/03309/OUTMAJ Decision Notice - Refused [77KB]
CD13.4 -18/00764/OUTMAJ Notice of Application being Disposed of [109KB]
Highwood Copse Primary School
CD13.5 -17/00158/COMIND Decision Notice - Approved [142KB]
CD13.6 -17/03434/COMIND Decision Notice - Approved [79KB]
Warren Road
CD13.7 -14/02416/FUL Decision Notice - Approved [118KB]
CD13.8 -19/02707/FUL Scheme Drawing (Application Withdrawn 18/9/20) [733KB]
CD13.9 -20/03041/FUL Scheme Drawing (pending decision) [734KB]
CD14 - New Warren Farm 18/00828/OUTMAJ Outline Planning Application submitted by Donnington New Homes
CD14.1 Sandleford Park West Amended Planning Statement Feb 2020 [1MB]
CD14.2 A090455_PP-01 Rev B Land Use Parameter Plan [2MB]
CD14.3 A090455_PP-02 Rev C Access and Movement Parameter Plan [3MB]
CD14.4 A090455_PP06 RevF Green Infrastructure Plan [15MB]
CD14.5 A090455_CMP-01_REVE Concept Masterplan [8MB]
CD14.6 DAS Final_March 2018_LR [4MB]
CD14.7 DAS Addendum [8MB]
CD14.8 A090455_SLP-01 Site Location Plan [110KB]
CD14.9 04627.00005.16.633.15-COMBINED SLGI PLAN [8MB]
CD14.10 Building Heights Parameter Plan A090455_PP-03RvC [1MB]
CD14.11 A090455_PP-04 Rev B Density Parameter Plan [2MB]
CD14.12 A090455_PP-05 Rev C Indicative Phasing Parameter Plan [8MB]
CD14.13 Memorandum of Understanding v8 with Appendices 20.06.20 (Redacted) [17MB]
CD14.14 ES Chapter 9 - LVIA [500KB]
CD14.15 Arboricultural Impact Assessment 9219_AIA.004 Rev C [10MB]
CD15 - legislation, court judgements, and appeal decisions
CD15.1 -Suffolk Coastal / Cheshire East [2017] UKSC 37 [290KB]
CD15.2 -East Staffordshire (Barwood) [2017] EWCA Civ 893 [323KB]
CD15.3 -Planning (LB &CA) Act 1990 s.66 (extract) [254KB]
CD15.4 -Highways Act 1981 s.130 (extract) [237KB]
CD15.5 -Appeal Decision PINS Ref 3153899 22/08/2017 Land South of Garden Close Lane, Newbury [231KB]
CD15.6 -Appeal Decision PINS Ref 3247977 10/02/2012 Land at Gate Farm, Hartley Road, Cranbrook [286KB]
CD16 - miscellaneous documents (appellant)
CD16.1 -IAQM's A guide to the assessment of air quality impacts on designated nature conservation sites April 2019 [893KB]
CD16.2 -IAQM's A guide to the assessment of air quality impacts on designated nature conservation sites May 2020 [1MB]
CD16.3 -Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) Advisory Note on the Ecological Assessment of Air Quality Impacts January 2021 [14MB]
CD16.4 -Natural England's approach to advising competent authorities on the assessment of road traffic emissions under the Habitats Regulations (Version: June 2018) [1MB]
CD16.5 -West Berkshire Council (WBC) 2020 Annual Status Report [8MB]
CD16.6 -World Health Organization (WHO), Ambient air pollution: A global assessment of exposure and burden of disease 2016 [5MB]
CD16.7 -West Berkshire Council Annual Monitoring Report January 2021 [1018KB]
CD17 - miscellaneous documents (council)
CD17.1 BS58372012 Trees in relation to d [1MB]
CD17.2 BS3998.2010 Tree Work Recommendations [823KB]
CD17.3 - Woodland Trust (2019) Planning for Ancient Woodland Planners’ Manual for Ancient Woodland and Veteran Trees. [3MB]
CD17.4 According to Barrell Contrasting approaches to heritage trees [1MB]
CD17.5 - Arboricultural Association - Root protection for veteran trees [1MB]
CD17.6 TPO 201.21.1016 Land at Sandleford Park Newtown Road Newtown Newbury [1MB]
CD17.7 - Woodland Trust: What are ancient, veteran and other trees of special interest? November 2008 [1MB]
CD17.8 - West Berkshire Landscape Sensitivity Study: Potential Strategic Development Sites, WBC 2009. [1MB]
CD17.9 Historic England Listing for the parkland Sandleford Priory, Greenham - 1000333 [272KB]
CD17.10 Historic Environment Character Zone HECZ(N) Newbury Fringe South (NFS) [23KB]
CD17.11 Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, GLVIA3, 3rd Edition. [9MB]
CD17.12 The Landscape Institute, Valued Landscapes Consultation [725KB]
CD17.13 Biodiversity Net Gain GPP for Development [5MB]
CD17.14 Impacts of Nearby Development on the Ecology of Ancient Woodland. (2008) [640KB]
CD17.15 Making Space for Nature. Defra (2010) [1MB]
CD17.16 - Evidence Gathering on Criteria for Identifying Irreplaceable Habitats. Natural England (2015) [217KB]
CD17.17 The ecological effects of air pollution from road transport [905KB]
CD17.18 Impacts of Nearby Development on the Ecology of Ancient Woodland Addendum [8MB]
CD17.19 Government response to Future Homes Standard consultation. (2019) [1MB]
CD17.20 BEIS Public Attitudes Tracker (December 2020, Wave 36, UK) [543KB]
CD17.21 Minutes of Council Meeting held 2.7.19 [127KB]
CD17.22 - UK local and regional CO2 emissions tables (2019) UK Greenhouse Gas Inventory. [6MB]
CD17.23 A report for the Committee on CC [5MB]
- CD17.24 The SuDS Manual (C753) CIRIA (2015)
CD17.25 Affordable Housing Viability Study by Dixon Searle Partnership 2020 [2MB]
CD17.26 House price to residence based earnings ratio ONS [103KB]
CD17.27 Berkshire Local Nature Partnership (LNP) Biodiversity Opportunity Areas [101KB]
CD17.28 The Housing (Right to Acquire or Enfranchise) (Designated Rural Areas [408KB]
CD17.29 House price to workplace based earnings ratio ONS [104KB]
CD17.30 PINs Post Conference Note of CMC 5 March 2021 [275KB]
CD17.31 WBC Five Year Housing Land Supply at December 2019 (published January 2020) [215KB]
CD17.32 WBC Five Year Housing Land Supply at December 2020 (published March 2021) [809KB]
CD18 - miscellaneous documents (rule 6 parties)
CD18.1 Andrews, et al. (2019) 'Introducing the 'Derived Root-system Radius' (2) [1MB]
CD18.2 Basingstoke and Deane (2018) ‘Landscape, Biodiversity & Trees SPD' [6MB]
CD18.3 Coventry (2020) ‘Trees & Development Guidelines for Coventry, SPD' [4MB]
CD18.4 - Pegasus Group (2020) Planning, Design and Access Statement on behalf of Donnington New Homes [240KB]
- CD18.5 DfT 2020 LTN Cycle Infrastructure Design
CD18.6 Dorset Council (2020) ‘Dorset Biodiversity Appraisal Protocol' [126KB]
CD18.7 - South Oxfordshire District Council (2021) ‘South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035, Sustainability Appraisal' [1MB]
- CD18.8 WBC (2021c) 'Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)’
- CD18.9 Wiltshire Council (2015) ‘Wiltshire Core Strategy Adopted January 2015’
CD18.10 Bloor Homes (2015) 'Parcel n1 Site Plan' (15.02300.OUTMAJ) [1MB]
CD18.11 - Ballantyne and Pickering (2015) 'Differences in the impacts of formal and informal recreational trails on urban forest loss and tree structure' [636KB]
CD18.12 Greenham Parish Council (2018) 'Sandleford Strategic Housing Site' [127KB]
CD18.13 Highwood Copse Primary School (2020) 'School Travel Plan' [227KB]
CD18.14 Longcore & Rich (2004) 'Ecological Light Pollution' [426KB]
CD18.15 - Minutes of a Project Board Meeting of Park House School - Expansion Project (16th March 2021) [117KB]
CD18.16 - Neumann et al. (2016) 'The heterogeneity of wooded-agricultural landscape mosaics influences woodland bird community assemblages' [912KB]
- CD18.17 PDSA (2020) 'PDSA Animal Wellbeing (Paw) Report 2020'
CD18.18 Town & Country Planning Association (2021) '20-Minute Neighbourhoods' [3MB]
- CD18.19 Transport for New Homes (2018) Project Summary and Recommendation
CD18.20 - Hanmer et al. (2017) 'Urbanisation influences range size of the domestic cat (Felis Catus) Consequences for conservation' [428KB]
CD18.21 - Glądalski et al. (2016) 'Effects of Human-related Disturbance on breeding success of urban and nonurban blue tits' [305KB]
CD18.22 - GreenSpec (2021) 'Passive Solar Design - Siting and Orientation' [501KB]
CD18.23 - Koru Architects (2021) 'Passive Solar - the low-tech way to heat your home [298KB]
CD18.24 - Design and Access Statement submitted for application 15/02300/OUTMAJ [7MB]
CD18.25 - Bloor Homes (2015) 'Parcel N1 Site Plan' Part 1(drawing number SOxxx-SL-001i, 15/02300/OUTMAJ) [1MB]
CD18.26 - Bloor Homes (2015) 'Parcel N1 Site Plan' Part 2 (drawing number SOxxx-SL-002i, 15.02300.OUTMAJ) [737KB]
CD19 - other documents
CD20 - environmental statement main text (vol 1)
CD20.1 - ES Vol. 1 Cover Sheet [65KB]
CD20.2 - ES Vol. 1 Contents [187KB]
CD20.3 - ES Vol. 1 Sign Off Sheet (Redacted) [63KB]
CD20.4 - Chapter 1 Introduction [186KB]
CD20.5 - Figure 1.1 Site Location [3MB]
CD20.6 - Figure 1.2 Application Boundary [1MB]
CD20.7 - Figure 1.3 Allocation Boundary [1MB]
CD20.8 - Chapter 2 EIA Approach and Methodology [215KB]
CD20.9 - Chapter 3 Site and Surroundings [161KB]
CD20.10 - Figure 3.1 Site Context [1MB]
CD20.11 - Figure 3.2 Application Site [1MB]
CD20.12 - Chapter 4 Proposed Development [250KB]
CD20.13 - Figure 4.6 Sandleford Park West [728KB]
CD20.14 - Figure 4.8 Cumulative Developments [1MB]
CD20.15 - Chapter 5 Socio Economics [330KB]
CD20.16 - Figure 5.1 Community Facilities [440KB]
CD20.17 - Chapter 6 Ecology [547KB]
CD20.18 - Chapter 7 Landscape and Visual [252KB]
CD20.19 - Chapter 8 Soils and Agriculture [282KB]
CD20.20 - Chapter 9 Cultural Heritage [427KB]
CD20.21 - Figures 9.7 to 9.14 Views [808KB]
CD20.22 - Chapter 10 Archaeology [227KB]
CD20.23 - Chapter 11 Water Resources [317KB]
CD20.24 - Chapter 12 Utilities [269KB]
CD20.25 - Chapter 13 Transport and Accessibility [365KB]
CD20.26 - Figure 13.1 Study Network [561KB]
CD20.27 - Figure 13.2 Existing Walking and Cycling [912KB]
CD20.28 - Figure 13.3 Pedestrian and Cycle [1MB]
CD20.29 - Figure 13.4 Link Sensitivity Plan [561KB]
CD20.30 - Chapter 14 Noise and Vibration [377KB]
CD20.31 - Chapter 15 Air Quality [352KB]
CD20.32 - Chapter 16 Summary of Effects and Mitigation [208KB]
CD20.33 - ES Vol.1 Glossary of Terms [107KB]
CD21 - environmental statement A3 figures (vol 2)
CD21.1 - Figure 4.1 Land Use and Access Parameter Plan [2MB]
CD21.2 - Figure 4.2 Green Infrastructure Parameter Plan [2MB]
CD21.3 - Figure 4.3 Strategic Landscape and GI Plan [9MB]
CD21.4 - Figure 4.4 Building Heights Parameter Plan [2MB]
CD21.5 - Figure 4.5 Parcelisation Plan [3MB]
CD21.6 - Figure 4.7 Illustrative Masterplan [6MB]
CD21.7 - Figure 4.9 Illustrative Valley Crossing [1MB]
CD21.8 - Figure 7.1 Site and Immediate Surroundings [834KB]
CD21.9 - Figure 7.2 Topography [3MB]
CD21.10 - Figure 7.3 Landscape Character and Designations [830KB]
CD21.11 - Figure 7.4 Site Character [670KB]
CD21.12 - Figure 7.5 Historic Landscape and Features [5MB]
CD21.13 - Figure 7.6A ZTV [1MB]
CD21.14 - Figure 7.6B ZTV [1MB]
CD21.15 - Figure 7.7 Country Park Phasing Plan [1MB]
CD21.16 - Figure 8.1 Agricultural land Classification [405KB]
CD21.17 - Figure 9.1 Prehistoric and Roman Heritage Assets [4MB]
CD21.18 - Figure 9.2 Medieval Heritage Asset [4MB]
CD21.19 - Figure 9.3 post Medieval Heritage Assets [6MB]
CD21.20 - Figure 9.4 Modern Heritage Asset [5MB]
CD21.21 - Figure 9.5 Designated Heritage Assets and ZTV [683KB]
CD21.22 - Figure 9.6 Selected Heritage Assets and ZTV [5MB]
CD21.23 - Figures 9.15-9.20 Panorama Viewpoints. [1MB]
CD22 - environmental statement appendices (vol 3)
CD22.1 - ES Vol. 3 Cover Page [67KB]
CD22.2 - ES Vol. 3 Contents Page [73KB]
CD22.3 - A1 Location Plan 1502300 OUTMAJ [1MB]
CD22.4 - A2 Location Plan 1600106 OUTMAJ [240KB]
CD22.5 - B1 EIA Scoping Request [1MB]
CD22.6 - B2 EIA Scoping Opinion (Redacted) [9MB]
CD22.7 - B3 Summary of Public and Stakeholders response [421KB]
CD22.8 - C1 Highwood Copse School Site Plans [1MB]
CD22.9 - D1 Draft CEMP [375KB]
CD22.10 - D2 Proposed Access Drawings [437KB]
CD22.11 - F1 Ecological Appraisal [8MB]
CD22.12 - F2 GCN Survey [5MB]
CD22.13 - F3 Reptile Survey [3MB]
CD22.14 - F4 Breeding Bird Survey [9MB]
CD22.15 - F5 Barn Owl Letter [1MB]
CD22.16 - F6 Nightjar Survey [321KB]
CD22.17 - F7 Bat Roost Assessment [6MB]
CD22.18 - F8 Bat Emergence Return Summary [2MB]
CD22.19 - F9 Bat Activity Summary [2MB]
CD22.20 - F10 Dormouse Survey [1MB]
CD22.21 - F11 Badger Survey Letter (Redacted) [164KB]
CD22.22 - F12 Terrestrial Invertebrate Survey [1MB]
CD22.23 - F13 Aquatic Invertebrate Survey [743KB]
CD22.24 - F14 White Clawed Crayfish Survey [869KB]
CD22.25 - F15 Otter and Water Vole Survey [1MB]
CD22.26 - F16 Fungi Survey [286KB]
CD22.27 - F17 NVC Woodland Survey [946KB]
CD22.28 - F18 Ecological Mitigation and Management Plan (Redacted) [2MB]
CD22.29 - F19 Combined EMMP [395KB]
CD22.30 - F20 Lighting Assessment [1MB]
CD22.31 - F21 Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment [3MB]
CD22.32 - F22 NVC Grassland Survey [1011KB]
CD22.33 - F23 NVC Arable Plants Survey [990KB]
CD22.34 - F24 2019 Survey Summary [2MB]
CD22.35 - G1 Historic OS Maps [3MB]
- CD22.36 - G2 Landscape Character Compartment Sheets
CD22.37 - G3 Site photographs [7MB]
CD22.38 - G4 Photomontage [2MB]
CD22.39 - G5 Methodology [220KB]
CD22.40 - G6 Landscape Effects Table [215KB]
CD22.41 - G6 Visual Effects Table [239KB]
CD22.42 - G7 LGIDMP [254KB]
CD22.43 - G8 Schedule of Tree and Plant Species [140KB]
CD22.44 - G9 Heritage and Landscape Assessment [6MB]
CD22.45 - Appendix G10 Sequential Views [3MB]
CD22.46 - Appendix G11a Arboricultural Assessment [11MB]
CD22.47 - G11b SGN Manual V2.1 [3MB]
CD22.48 - H1 Soil Resources [2MB]
CD22.49 - I1 Legislative and Planning Policy Context [128KB]
CD22.50 - I2 Assessment Methodology [198KB]
CD22.51 - I3 Heritage Asset Lists [315KB]
CD22.52 - I4 Conservation Audit [4MB]
CD22.53 - J1 Archaeological Desk based assessment [7MB]
CD22.54 - K1 Flood Risk Assessment [8MB]
CD22.55 - L1 Service Supply Statement [1MB]
CD22.56 - M1 Traffic Flow Data [261KB]
CD22.57 - N1 Noise Assessment [16MB]
CD22.58 - O1 Air Quality Assessment [2MB]