Voting and Elections
Find out about the electoral register and voting in elections, polls and referendums.
Our Electoral Services team are responsible for compiling and managing the electoral register for West Berkshire, and organising parliamentary, district and parish elections, as well as any referendums that might be called.
including rates of pay for Poll Clerks and Count Assistants.

General Election 2024
Click here to find out more about the General Election on the 4th July, including postal voting, voter ID and more...
Upcoming and recent elections in West Berkshire
Find out about upcoming and recent elections in West Berkshire.
Changes to European Union Citizens eligibility to vote and candidacy rights
From 7 May 2024, following the UK's departure from the European Union, voting rights for EU citizens have changed and are no longer automatically entitled to register, vote or stand for elections which use the local government election franchise.
West Berkshire Elections 2023
Information about the elections in West Berkshire on 4 May 2023.
Voter ID
For the first time, at the 2023 local elections, residents in West Berkshire needed to show photographic ID in order to vote.
The Electoral Register
Information about the full and edited registers of voters in West Berkshire.
Previous Election Results
Results for elections held in West Berkshire since 2007.
Registering to vote and postal voting
Adding your name to the Register of Electors, voting by post or by proxy.
Annual Electoral Canvass
Completing your Household Enquiry form.
Working at an election
How to register your interest to work at an election.
Accessibility in Polling Stations
This page will outline some of the resources available and the steps we are taking to ensure electors' needs are met.
Find Your Polling Station
Enter your postcode to find out where to vote.
2019 General Election Results
Results for the December general election in 2019.
Proxy vote and postal vote renewal
Refreshing the signatures held for postal or proxy votes.