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Budget Proposals 2025/26: Increase some Adult Social Care (ASC) fees and charges above the rate of inflation us your views on our proposal.
Budget Proposals 2025/26: Explore options to deliver Adult Social Care (ASC) Resource Centre services through an alternative provider or in a different way us your views on our proposal.
Budget Proposals 2025/26: Turn off streetlights in residential roads between midnight and 5am us your views on our proposal.
Budget Proposals 2025/26: Create a voluntary charitable contribution (via Council Tax payments) scheme us your views on our proposal.
Budget Proposals 2025/26: Cease providing the Adult Respite (ARC) in the Community Service us your views on our proposal.
Budget Proposals 2025/26: Remove a proportion of the litter bins and dog waste bins from the Grounds Maintenance Contract us your views on our proposal.
Budget Proposals 2025/26: Reduce the number of winter gritting routes us your views on our proposal.
Budget Proposals 2025/26: Discontinue the Mobile Library Service us your views on our proposal.
Budget Proposals 2025/26: Remove Downland Sports Centre from the Leisure Management Contract us your views on our proposal.
Proposed Fees for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles and Private Hire Operator's Licences 2025/26 your say on our proposed fees.