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Non-resident access to West Berkshire recycling centres

Information for people who are not residents of West Berkshire but want to use our Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs).

Residents living outside of the West Berkshire District boundary ('non-residents') can access both of our recycling centres in a car (see specific eligibility below) by paying £9 per visit upon arrival.

Non-residents cannot:

  • dispose of asbestos within West Berkshire
  • use any commercial type vehicles or hire vehicles to access our recycling centres

If you are not a resident of West Berkshire and have questions regarding waste disposal, please contact your local council. You can find your local council on the GOV.UK website.


What counts as a 'car'

An illustration of the types of cars permitted at our recycling centres.
'Cars' include:

  • cars
  • estates and people carriers
  • SUV and 4 by 4s

These are typically vehicles that:

  • are registered with the DVLA as a passenger vehicle with no more than 8 seats in addition to the driver's seat (9 seats total)
  • weigh less than 3 tonnes

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