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Delivery of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) projects and annual reports the monitoring and reporting of CIL.
Responsibilities: ditches and riparian owners and guidance on the responsibilities of 'riparian' owners.
Bus Stops and Shelters and maintenance of bus stops and shelters
Journey Planning and Timetables local or long-distance journeys by bus, coach or train and check timetables.
Other support for armed forces communities from charities, government and other supporting organisations are set out below in relation to a number of military and other charities.
Data Protection Application Form (Adobe pdf files) for Access to Personal Information Your details Name of applicant: (Include previous surname/s): Address of applicant: Tel: email: Date of birth: An...
Task Group Minutes - S36 Regulation 12(4)(e) annex and Public Interest Test (Adobe pdf files) Prejudice to effective conduct of public affairs (1) This section applies to— (a) information which is held by a government department or by the National Ass...
Senior Employee Responsibilities 2017/18 (Adobe pdf files) Salaries 2017/18 A list of responsibilities (for example, the services and functions they are responsible for, budget held and number of staff) and detai...
Data Protection - Your Right to Know Leaflet (Adobe pdf files) on your rights as they relate to the Data Protection Act 2018 and the GDPR.
Fee Structure 1-4-2020/21 (Adobe pdf files) STRUCTURE UNDER COMMONS REGISTRATION (ENGLAND) REGULATIONS 2014 Provision under, or for the Purpose of application West Berkshire application purpose of wh...