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Rent in advance and rent deposits with money required up-front to move into a rented property.
Housing Strategy 2020 to 2036 and find out more about our Housing Strategy.
Housing Grants and Loans Policy out more and download out grants and loans policy, focused on helping vulnerable people to have decent homes.
Tenancy Strategy Registered Providers in creating Tenancy Policies.
Report Flooding drainage issues or flooding on a road, or flooding in your property.
Flood risk: legislation and policy summary of the relevant legislation and policy documents that govern the roles, responsibilities and standards for the water, flood risk and drainage sectors....
Land drainage and ordinary watercourses about what land drainage and ordinary watercourses are, as well as responsibilities and changes to ordinary watercourses.
Changing watercourses: Ordinary Watercourse Consent need a consent for works that affect water flow within the channel of an ordinary watercourse.
Ordinary watercourse consent guidance notes follow this guidance to help avoid delays in your application. Applicant details This is the name of the individual, organisation or company applying for...
Ditch responsibilities explained to explain our position on ditch responsibility.