Budget Proposals 2025/26: Explore options to deliver Adult Social Care (ASC) Resource Centre services through an alternative provider or in a different way
Help us balance our budget.
Consultation status ClosedActivity closed.

West Berkshire Council is currently reviewing its Adult Social Care Services to ensure we can deliver value for money and meet the needs of our residents. We currently run three Resource Centres for adults with learning disabilities, physical disabilities, frailty and dementia. The centres are open five days a week, Monday to Friday, and offer a range of occupational, creative and therapeutic activities with dedicated staff.
- Greenfield House Resource Centre is located at High View in Calcot and can support up to 20 people per day. There are currently 15.62 full time equivalent staff posts.
- Hungerford Resource Centre is located on Ramsbury Drive in Hungerford and can support up to 20 people per day. There are currently 13.82 full time equivalent staff posts.
- The Phoenix Resource Centre is located on Newtown Road in Newbury and can support up to 30 people per day. There are currently 18.19 full time equivalent staff posts.
It costs the Council approximately 60% more to provide these services than it does the private sector.
The Adult Social Care Management Team and the Council's Executive assess our current provision as follows:
- Greenfield House Resource Centre is a service we expect to be in high demand in the coming years. The property is owned by the Council and has a covenant which restricts use and access to business hours (8.30am to 5pm). The average usage in 2023-24 was 86% and the current usage is 100%.
- Hungerford Resource Centre is a service for which there is a reducing demand despite trying to promote the Centre. The property is owned by the Council and has a covenant which restricts use to business hours. The average usage in 2023-24 was 56% and the current usage is 66%.
- The Phoenix Resource Centre is a service we expect to be in high demand in the coming years. The property is owned by the Council and has a vacant parcel of land adjoining it. This building is the newest of the three centres. The average usage in 2023-24 was 84% and the current usage is 100%.
All three properties have been refurbished within the last 12 to 18 months.
Legislative and Statutory Requirements
Under the Care Act 2014 there is no statutory requirement for the Local Authority to operate Resource Centres. Identified eligible needs can be met through services commissioned through external providers.
The Care Act requires Local Authorities to help develop a market that delivers a wide range of sustainable high-quality care and support services, that will be available to their communities.
What we are proposing
To source an external provider to run each of the Resource Centres, with a cost of provision more aligned to that in the private sector. This could include agreement to rent the buildings. If an alternative provider is not found, we will look to provide the services in a different way.
We would expect annual budget savings of £469,000.
What we think the impact will be
There is likely to be uncertainty and disruption for the service users and staff. If a new provider were to operate the service, service users will be provided with an alternative service, and staff could have the option of being transferred under Transfer of Undertakings Protection of Employment (TUPE) legislation. Service users and staff will be kept informed of developments through regular communication.
What else we have considered before arriving at our proposal
No other options to reduce expenditure in this area have been identified.
Why we want your views
We'd like to know what you think of our proposal, how it might affect you and the wider community, and any views you have on how we can minimise any negative effect of this proposed change. We'll also ask you a little bit about yourself, e.g. if you're a service user or how old you are, but you cannot be identified from your answers.
How to take part
Our survey closed at midnight on Monday, 23 December 2024.
If you have any questions about the consultation, please email asc.consultations@westberks.gov.uk
For general enquiries about community and day centres, please visit our webpage.
What happens next
All feedback will be analysed by the service, and a recommendation made to elected Members as part of the budget papers for 2025/26 at the Executive meeting on Thursday, 13 February 2025. A final decision whether to proceed with the proposal will then be made by elected Members at the meeting of Full Council on Thursday, 27 February 2025.
The recommendations will also be reviewed and discussed by members of the Scrutiny Commission on Tuesday, 11 February 2025.
Shortly after the Full Council meeting, a summary of the responses we received and the decisions taken will be published on this page.
If the decision is made to proceed with the proposal, the change will be implemented from April 2025.
All meetings will be open to the public, and residents can attend either in person at the Market Street Offices or online. If you'd like to ask a West Berkshire Councillor a question at a public meeting, find out what can and can't be asked, and how to submit your question here.