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Search results
HECZ LVP (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone LVP Lambourn Valley – mostly Prehistoric records Historic Character This zone is the northern side of the valley from East S...
HECZ LVF (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone LVF Lambourn Valley Floor Historic Character This long narrow zone occupies the valley floor between Lambourn and the conflu...
HECZ LVDR (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone LVDR Lambourn Valley and Downs – Racing Historic Character This zone comprises the head of the Lambourn valley and surroundi...
HECZ LVAC (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone LVAC Lambourn Valley – agricultural with extensive cropmarks Historic Character This is an agricultural zone on the northern...
HECZ LVMW (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone LVMW Lambourn Valley Military Welford Historic Character RAF Welford is one of the major USAF stores for conventional muniti...
HECZ INK (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone INK Inkpen Historic Character This is a mixed zone around the settlement of Inkpen comprising fields, woods and small common...
HECZ IF (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone IF Inkpen Fields Historic Character This is a zone of large arable fields with some small wooded areas lying at the foot of ...
HECZ HSAS (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone HSAS Hungerford Suburban Area - South Historic Character This is a zone of recent housing developments and associated civic ...
HECZ HW (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone HW Hampshire Watershed Historic Character This zone is focussed around the West End Brook and is comprised of fields, wooded...
HECZ LLV (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone LLV Lower Lambourn Valley Historic Character This zone comprises the lower Lambourn valley slopes on either side of the rive...