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HECZ KVNW (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone KVNW Kennet Valley North-West Historic Character This is a rural zone comprising recent and historic fields, areas of ancien...
HECZ KVFW (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone KVFW Kennet Valley Floor West Historic Character The western part of the Kennet floodplain from Newbury to just west of Hung...
HECZ KVFE (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone KVFE Kennet Valley Floor East Historic Character This zone comprises the eastern part of the Kennet floodplain. Gravel quarr...
HECZ KHINT (Adobe pdf files), HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT CHARACTER ZONING, HECZ, HEAP HECZ KHINT Historic Environment Character Zone Document ArchaeologyArchaeological sites, Digs (ar...
HECZ KSA (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone KSA Kintbury Suburban Area Historic Character This is a zone chiefly of recent housing developments that have expanded south...
HECZ GCC (Adobe pdf files), HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT CHARACTER ZONING, HECZ, HEAP HECZ GCC Historic Environment Character Zone Document ArchaeologyArchaeological sites, Digs (arch...
HECZ EPVS (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone EPVS Englefield Planned Valley Side Historic Character This zone has a similar mix of farmland, settlement and parklands to ...
HECZ KHC (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone KHC Kintbury Historic Core Historic Character A small historic village, Kintbury has been a settlement from the early mediev...
HECZ AUNS (Adobe pdf files), HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT CHARACTER ZONING, HECZ, HEAP HECZ AUNS Historic Environment Character Zone Document ArchaeologyArchaeological sites, Digs (arc...
HECZ BCA (Adobe pdf files), HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT CHARACTER ZONING, HECZ, HEAP HECZ BCA Historic Environment Character Zone Document ArchaeologyArchaeological sites, Digs (arch...