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Greening Campaign have partnered with the Greening Campaign to help provide a tailored framework of climate action for our parish and town councils.
Find your local environmental group our aDoddle environment map to connect with your local environmental group.
West Berkshire Community Forums are back! are re establishing Community Forums
Receiving secure emails from West Berkshire Council on how to access secure email messages from West Berkshire Council
Climate Action: Community Events and News out more about events and news relating to climate action happening across the communities of West Berkshire.
Information and Guidance for Improving your Sustainability useful advice and information on becoming greener, including business networks, funding, and first-hand experience from local businesses.
West Berkshire Case Studies: Sustainable Businesses're showcasing some of the best in the district to inspire other businesses to follow in their footsteps.
Sustainable Business Directory a fantastic list of sustainable businesses across West Berkshire in our Sustainable Business Directory.
Voter ID - Frequently Asked Questions to frequently asked questions on how voter ID will be implemented for the first time.
Community Champion Awards - 2022 Winners Community Champion Awards are an opportunity to say thank you to people who have done something special for their local community.