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I am delighted to introduce the new Council Strategy for 2023-2027. This strategy takes on board feedback from the consultation carried out earlier in the year and also reflects the manifesto commitments that saw the Liberal Democrats win 29 of the 43 council seats on offer and become the new administration.

This strategy lays out what we want to achieve and, for the first time for West Berkshire Council, includes specific, measurable goals and a clear timeline for the objectives that underpin our priorities - all in one document for clarity and transparency. This new approach will clearly signal to you, our residents and local businesses, how we will work to improve the Council and deliver outcomes that matter.

As you will see in the timelines, I'm proud to say that we have already implemented some key changes: Council meetings are more open than ever before, we have asked the Opposition councillors to take over chairing the main scrutiny committee, so we don't mark our own homework, and we have re-introduced Community Forums so we can get your input and feedback directly on issues that are important for the district.

As we proceed over the next four years we do so with a commitment to bring change, but we also understand the limited resources we are working with. This Administration will deliver change, but we will also ensure we get the Council back onto a secure financial footing. The long-term future of the Council will always be our biggest priority as that secures the services that are delivered within our community. By transforming the way we work we can deliver more for less and can embrace new technologies to support us on our journey.

West Berkshire is a beautiful place to live and work in, and over the next four years we work hard everyday to make it greener, fairer and more prosperous, with thriving communities and services we are proud of.


Lee Dillon
Leader of the Council



Welcome to the New Council Strategy 2023 to 2027, setting out the strategic direction for the Council's services. It defines our priorities over the next four years and our contribution toward the aspirations of the West Berkshire Vision 2036. The strategy ensures that all services are working together to deliver these priorities, whilst ensuring that all the mandatory services are also being provided.

A statistical analysis of the evolving environmental, economic, health and social care needs of our residents has been used to inform our priorities. It confirmed, once again, that West Berkshire has a wonderful environment, strong economy, an overall healthy and affluent population. We should be proud that the district has shown strong resilience to unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic challenges, delivering essential services, whilst supporting residents to save lives and livelihoods. The impacts of the pandemic and international humanitarian crises, and the rise in the cost of living, have informed the approach for this strategy, which focuses on exciting new projects to enhance the lives of local people.

We have given particular attention to capture the feedback from our residents to fully understand their needs. This included a Covid-19 survey, a representative residents' survey and engagement with residents that are not usually taking their opportunities to make their voices heard. In addition, we have consulted on the draft priorities and outcomes, and ensured it reflects the agenda of the new Liberal Democrat's administration. As a result, over the next four years, we will strive for operational excellence, while delivering the Council priorities. The priorities have equal importance, as we recognise that we need to ensure a balanced and integrated approach.

Our progress will be assessed against measures and targets included in the Council Strategy Delivery Plan, which will be updated annually and reported quarterly to the Council's Executive. I know that a strategic plan directs the organisation for the future. It also helps us establish realistic and stretching goals that are in line with the vision and mission of the Council's new administration. This strategy will help empower our staff to continuously improve our services to our residents.


Nigel Lynn
Cheif Executive



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