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  • Compton NDP Decision Statement (Adobe pdf files)

    West Berkshire District Council Compton Neighbourhood Development Plan Decision Statement Published pursuant to the Section 38A(9) of the Planning and Compulsor...

  • Declaration of Result - Compton NDP (Adobe pdf files)

    DECLARATION OF RESULT OF POLL West Berkshire Compton Neighbourhood Planning Referendum I, Nigel Lynn, being the Counting Officer at the above referendum held on...

  • Compton NDP SEA/HRA Screening Decision (Adobe pdf files)

    12 August 2020 Development and Planning Compton Parish Council West Berkshire Council c/o. Fowler Architecture and Planning Market Street, Newbury Berkshire, RG...

  • Appendix C: Stratfield Mortimer NDP Landscape Sensitivity Assessment (Jan 2017) (Adobe pdf files)

    APPENDIX C: STRATFIELD MORTIMER NDP LANDSCAPE SENSITIVITY ASSESSMENT (JAN 2017) Appendix C: Stratfield Mortimer NDP Landscape Sensitivity Assessment (Jan 2017) ...

  • Appendix B: Examiner's proposed modifications to the Stratfield Mortimer NDP (Adobe pdf files)

    Schedule of modifications to the Stratfield Mortimer Neighbourhood Plan Ref Page/Chapter/ Modification Justification Examiner Paragraph report number paragraph ...

  • Burghfield Neighbourhood Area Application Form (Adobe pdf files)

    ________________________ VvEST8Efl t e I COUNC 10 FEB 2bu Wes B r P k L s A h NN i I r N e G Council Ar. N E9’1 !zY cD e E igh SE bourhood Area Designation Appl...

  • West Berkshire District Council Officer Proposed Recommendation for the Stratfield Mortimer NDP (Adobe pdf files)

    West Berkshire District Council officer proposed recommendation for the Stratfield Mortimer Neighbourhood Development Plan 1. Background to Neighbourhood Develo...

  • Appendix A: Stratfield Mortimer NDP Examiner's Report (Oct 2016) (Adobe pdf files)

    APPENDIX A: STRATFIELD MORTIMER NDP EXAMINER'S REPORT (OCT 2016) Appendix A: Stratfield Mortimer NDP Examiner's Report (Oct 2016) Appendix A: Stratfield Mortime...

  • Appendix E: Track Changes Version of the Stratfield Mortimer NDP (Feb 2017) (Adobe pdf files)

    Stratfield Mortimer Neighbourhood Development Plan February 2016 Modifications February 2017 Cover photographs © Jason Smith Photography and Dara Portraits 2 In...

  • Appendix D: Stratfield Mortimer NDP Steering Group Possible Ways Forward for the NDP (Feb 2017) (Adobe pdf files)

    NDP - Possible ways forward following the landscape study Summary The NDP Examiner recommended that the NDP should not progress to referendum because insufficie...

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