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Apply for Post-16 SEN transport assistance for students with Special Educational Needs aged 16-25 attending a special school, resource unit, iCollege, or further education college. T...
Find Out if Your School is Closed as a result of emergencies, bad weather or industrial action
Apply for a School Place a place for a child at a primary or secondary school
Apply for Free School Meals for children whose families are in receipt of benefits such as income support or income based job seeker's allowance
Appeal Against a School Admission Decision you've been refused a place at a community school, you can appeal this decision
Report an Infestation of Rats or Mice us about an infestation
Ask About Fostering our information pack about fostering in West Berkshire
Apply for a Student SmartCard for Student SmartCard explains more about how we use the data you give us on this form. Please do not complete this application form unless you have been...
West Berkshire Climate Conference 2019 hosted a Climate Conference on Monday 28 October at from 10am until 4pm.
Make a Data Protection Request explains more about how we use the data you give us in this form.