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  • Apply for a Minor Variation to a Premises Licence

    The holder of a Premises Licence may now apply for a minor variation to a certificate: These may include small changes to the structure or layout of a premises,...

  • Apply for the Review of a Club Premises Certificate under Section 87

    Under the Licensing Act 2003, anyone that experiences problems from a licensed premises that can be linked to one or more licensing objectives, may be able to s...

  • Apply for a Personal Alcohol and Entertainment Licence

    A personal licence allows an individual to sell or authorise the sale or supply or alcohol under the Licensing Act 2003.

  • Apply for a Gambling Premises Licence

    Under the , the council is responsible for issuing licences and permits for activities such as bingo, betting and the provision of gaming machines. West Berkshi...

  • Apply for a Premises Licence Under the Gambling Act 2005

    The Gambling Act 2005 governs the provision of all gambling in Great Britain excluding the National Lottery and Spread Betting.

  • Apply to Vary or Transfer a Premises Licence Under the Gambling Act 2005

    The Gambling Act 2005 governs the provision of all gambling in Great Britain excluding the National Lottery and Spread Betting.

  • Lottery Registration

    Under the Gambling Act 2005 societies that run small society lotteries (sweepstakes, draws or raffles) must be registered by the local authority for the area wh...

  • Apply For a Chaperone Licence

    A chaperone is responsible for the supervision of a child who is taking part in entertainment.

  • Apply to Renew a Chaperone Licence

    A chaperone is responsible for the supervision of a child who is taking part in entertainment.

  • Apply for a Child Performance Licence

    A licence is required for children of statutory school age and under, including babies, to take part in entertainment.

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