Sack collections
Rubbish and recycling collections for properties with sacks.
Some households in West Berkshire use sacks for their rubbish and recycling, the information below relates to these households only. If you have a rubbish bin and recycling boxes, visit our rubbish collections and recycling collections pages.
To get the most from your service:
- make sure your sacks are ready for collection by 6am on your collection day
- do not overload your sacks with heavy items
- do not put liquids in your sacks
- ensure you only put out waste in the sacks provided by us
We deliver an annual supply of disposable black sacks for rubbish each year around July.
Clear sacks for recycling are provided on request, please contact Customer Services to request them.
You can check what you can recycle on our recycling collections page.
Please make sure your recycling is separated out into different sacks, you can put:
- paper and card in one sack
- plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays, aerosols, drinks cans and food tins together in another sack
We cannot collect glass in sacks. You can take your glass to one of our recycling centres.
You can also recycle other items such as textiles, cartons and small electrical items at our Mini recycling centres.
Food waste
Please put all food waste in your kerbside caddy, where available.
Please only use compostable bags for your food waste. You can check what food waste you can recycle on our food waste collections page.
You can request a kerbside caddy online here.
Garden waste collections
If you would like to have your garden waste collected, you will need to subscribe to the garden waste sack service. This is an opt-in, paid for service.
You do not have to subscribe to this service if you do not want your garden waste collected. You can still recycle your garden waste for free by , or by taking it to one of our recycling centres.
The 2024/25 garden waste collection service starts on 26 August 2024 and runs until 24 August 2025.
Who this service is for
This service is only for residential properties, places of worship and village halls that dispose of household waste.
This service does not cover:
- premises occupied by a club, society or any associations of persons in which activities are conducted for the benefit of the members (for example: sports pavilions and social clubs)
- village halls, other halls or residential properties that are managed by a commercial landscaper or gardener
These premises need to use a commercial waste service.
You will only be allowed to subscribe for a garden waste sack collection if approved by us.
What you can put in your green sacks
We will only collect garden waste (of a type specified by the council) that is contained in the green sacks supplied by West Berkshire Council.
We will collect:
- grass cuttings
- prunings
- small twigs and branches
- hedge trimmings and leaves
- plants and weeds
- cut flowers and fallen fruit
For a full list of what can go in your green sacks, visit our garden waste collection page.
Excess waste and left over sacks
You cannot put out excess garden waste in other sacks. We will only collect garden waste from green sacks supplied by West Berkshire Council.
If you use up your supply of sacks, you can make further subscriptions for additional rolls of green sacks (5 rolls in total) by calling 01635 503880 (sack service only).
If you have left over sacks at the end of a subscription period, you cannot use these in the following subscription period. Sacks are provided for use in one subscription period only.
Getting a green bin instead of sacks
If you would prefer to have a garden waste bin, please contact customer services. We will review your request, considering things like storage space and distance to your collection point and, if suitable, we can exchange your sack collection for a bin collection.
There are different service terms and conditions for garden waste bin collections - see our garden waste collection page for full information.
How to subscribe
Current subscribers with a Direct Debit
If you are a current subscriber and have an active Direct Debit for this service, you do not have to complete the subscription process again this year and your service will auto-renew.
You should have received an email or letter notification of your renewal. If you have not received this, please contact us at:
New subscribers or those without a Direct Debit
If you are a new subscriber, or do not have a current Direct Debit set up, you will need to subscribe to the 2024/25 service. You can subscribe to the 2024/25 subscription period (starting on 26 August 2024) from now until 30 June 2025.
There will be no part-year payment option available, regardless of when you subscribe.
Please read our
before subscribing.
To subscribe to the sack service, please call 01635 503880.
Once we have received your subscription, we will deliver your sacks.
Your property details will also be added to a database used by our contractor that informs collection crews which households have subscribed to the service.
Using your personal information
We will collect personal information for the purpose of processing your application and providing the garden waste collection service. This information will be held in a secure manner. We won't use your information for any other purpose without your permission. We won't hold it longer than we need to.
We will treat any personal information by which you can be identified (name, address, email) in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018.
You can view our privacy notice for the garden waste subscription service, here.
The subscription charges for the 2024/2025 period (26 August 2024 to 24 August 2025) are:
Subscription type | Subscription charge (per roll of sacks) |
1st roll of green sacks | £55 |
2nd to 5th rolls of green sacks | £50 |
We have reduced the first roll subscription charge from £58 to £55 for the 2024/25 service, demonstrating our commitment to both our community and the environment.
We do not offer concessions for this service.
How to pay
You can pay for the 2024/25 subscription by Direct Debit or credit/debit card. You will need to pay a single charge for the full subscription period. There will be no part-year payment option and you cannot pay in instalments.
Please read the
before subscribing.
Setting up a Direct Debit
If you want to pay by Direct Debit, there are 3 simple steps to setting one up for your sack collection:
Step 1
Call us on 01635 503880 to tell us your subscription requirements and complete the Direct Debit mandate.
When completing the mandate, you will need to provide us with:
- your account number and sort code
- the name(s) on the account
Step 2
We will send you advance notice of the amount to be taken and when we will collect payment. Please check these details are correct and contact us at straight away if you need to query anything.
Step 3
Relax. Apart from making sure you have enough money in your account when the payment is due, there is nothing more for you to do.
You can typically find your 8-digit account number and 6-digit sort code on your bank statements and on the front of your bank account debit card. You may also find them on your cheque book or by logging into your online bank account.
You have the right to cancel your subscription within 21 days without giving any reason.
The cancellation period will expire after 21 days from the day you subscribe. If you cancel within 21 days from subscription, we will make a full refund. This does not affect your statutory rights or the Direct Debit guarantee.
If you cancel your subscription, your green sacks will not be emptied if they contain garden waste.
We will not issue a refund if you decide to stop using the service, in whole or in part, for any reason outside of the 21-day cancellation period, or outside of the terms of the Direct Debit guarantee.
For full information, please refer to the cancellation policy.
Moving house
There are no refunds outside of the cancellation period.
If you move house within the West Berkshire district, please complete our online change of address form, and we will usually be able to transfer your subscription to your new address.
Missed collection
We will only collect garden waste (of a type specified by us) contained within the green sacks supplied by West Berkshire Council.
We retain the right to refuse to collect the sacks if they contain the wrong types of materials. For the collection service to be resumed, you will be required to remove the wrong types of materials from the sacks before your next scheduled collection date.
For a full list of what can go in your green sacks, visit our garden waste collection page.
For information about missed collections, visit our missed collection page.