Transport Policy
The Local Transport Plan (LTP), leading transport improvements across the district

(LTP) helps us to identify and prioritise the transport needs of the district, and sets out the framework as to how they will be met up to the year 2026. This includes walking, cycling, and travel by road and rail to destinations such as workplaces and schools.Strategies
The LTP is supported by a number of strategies, designed to help deliver the priorities within the plan. The strategies explain the policies within the LTP in much greater detail.
You view these strategies below:
Active Travel Strategy
Smarter Choices Strategy
Passenger Transport Strategy
The community transport. It also helps us to improve access to travel information and develop more ticketing options.
Road Safety Strategy
Freight Strategy
Highway Asset Management Plan (HAMP)
Network Management Plan
details how we manage and make the best use of our roads. We aim to relieve congestion and ensure the safety of all road users, including pedestrians and cyclists.
When developing the LTP, we needed to show we were compliant with certain requirements:
- the
- ensuring we have promoted equality amongst everyone who would be affected by the plan - the
- showing that the LTP does not significantly impact on habitats - the - ensuring that there is not a significant impact on the environment and health and well-being of our communities