West Berkshire Liftshare
We are running a pilot car-sharing scheme starting in some of our rural communities

We have developed a West Berkshire Liftshare community group by partnering with the national organisation Liftshare. Liftshare is an online platform which links up drivers and passengers going to the same destination. You can find out more on the Liftshare website.
Residents will be able to use this to find local people within the district to share journeys with.
The aim is to encourage people to share journeys to reduce costs and emissions. We hope by 'localising' the platform, it will enable users to feel safer and more confident making use of it.
Interested in finding out more? Please take a look at our frequently asked questions.
The pilot is currently live and we hope to roll out the scheme across the District if we receive positive feedback.
If you would like to provide any feedback you can do so by contacting the Environment Delivery Team.