Environment Strategy 2020 to 2030
Protecting and preserving our environment as we work towards carbon neutrality.

outlines the steps we intend to take with our partners to reach our target of net zero carbon for the district.The challenge we all face with regard to climate change is recognised across the globe. There is an increasing need for action if we are to respond to the danger this poses to our people, our wildlife and our environment. This ambitious Environment Strategy highlights the fact that we, our partners and local communities all have a part to play in responding to this challenge.
What actions are we taking?
Whilst some projects are already underway, there is a lot to do. A comprehensive Delivery Plan to accompany the strategy has been developed, and draws together the excellent work and plans from across the district. One of the first actions following the Environment Strategy has been the development of an Ultra Low Emission Vehicle Strategy. Through this strategy we are seeking to support residents and businesses in the transition to low emission vehicles. This was approved by the Executive on 3 September 2020 and is currently under review due to the fast changing nature of this area of delivery.
Progress is monitored through the council's internal governance, the Executive and the Environment Advisory Group and is supported by our Environment Delivery Team.
Environment Strategy Annual Progress Reports
Each year in November we publish our Environment Strategy Annual Progress Report. Each report includes:
- a summary of actions and achievements for the year (July to July)
- an update on West Berkshire Council's carbon footprint
- an update on carbon emissions across the district of West Berkshire
You can find our published annual progress reports below:
- - this was reported to the Executive on the 2nd November 2023
- - this was reported to the Executive on 3 November 2022
- - this was reported to the Executive on 18 November 2021
We are keen to be a council that is open to learning, acknowledges best practice and updates approaches and methodologies to ensure we are reporting in the most suitable way. Any developments or new guidance in relation to reporting on carbon emissions will be considered. Changes will be made to the way in which the council calculates and reports on its carbon emissions where necessary and relevant.
Learn more about the aims of the Environment Strategy in the video below:
The development of an Environment Strategy was accelerated as a result of the unanimous declaration of a Climate Emergency by Full Council on 2 July 2019.
The strategy, which was subject to public consultation early in 2020, outlines the steps we and our partners intend to take in order to reach the district's target of net zero carbon.
The strategy was approved at the Executive Committee meeting on 16 July 2020.
Following the elections in May 2023, the Liberal Democrat Administration have published the Council Strategy 2023 - 2027. This strategy supports action to tackle the climate emergency and also the ecological emergency which the council declared on 5th October 2023.