Flood investigation reports and core documents

Our flood risk and drainage pages are currently under development. This means we may be making further changes to the information on the pages below in the future.

As noted on our flooding roles and responsibilities page, as the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), West Berkshire Council have a duty to investigate flooding incidents under section 19 of the flood and water management act 2010. We also commission studies including surface water management plans, catchments plans and produce strategic documents to manage flood risk under our statutory roles and responsibilities.

Live documents


Report (with links)DateSummary

Winter Floods 2024 Flood Investigation Report

(We will share the link to this document here once it has been published.)


The West Berkshire 2024 flood event covers the period from early January to late March, during which time a significant number of villages across West Berkshire were affected by flooding because of Storms Henk, Isha, and Jocelyn.

Much of the flooding occurred on the 5th of January, following Storm Henk on the 2nd of January. However, areas of West Berkshire remained inundated for varying lengths of time, due to Storms Isha and Jocelyn causing further flooding. Approximately 210 properties experienced a form of flooding because of the 2024 flood event. Of these, approximately 77 properties experienced internal flooding and approximately 133 properties experienced external flooding.

Flooding resulted from multiple sources, such as fluvial, groundwater, sewer, and surface water, creating a complex network of issues.

Icon for pdf 2016 (September) Flood Investigation Report [1MB]  and Icon for pdf 2016 (September) Flood Investigation Plans [4MB]  (S19 Report)2016

On 15th and 16th September 2016, a high intensity storm caused surface water flooding to residential and commercial properties, Newbury train station and many parts of the highway network.

This report provides an investigation into impacted areas and recommendations based on site observations.

Icon for pdf Winter floods 2014 Flood Investigation Reports [1MB]  and Icon for pdf 2014 Flood Investigation Report Plans [102MB]  (S19 Report)2014

This report provides an investigation into the causes, mechanisms, consequences and responses associated with flooding in each of the affected areas within West Berkshire during the 2013/2014 flood events.

Heavy rain resulted in significant flooding in many parts of the district from different sources including, rivers, groundwater and public sewers. At least 181 homes and businesses were flooded and the rain caused widespread disruption to parts of the highway network.

Winter 2014 comprehensive flooding debrief report2014

A lot of work was done to find out why the 2013/14 flooding happened and what can be done to tackle it differently in the future.

A comprehensive flooding debrief report was completed, including results of surveys of residents, agencies and responders. It provides the background information to the floods and the actions taken as a result.

The report also made recommendations for investigations to improve response and recovery which have since been enacted.

Icon for pdf Thatcham Surface Water Management Plan [10MB] 2010

On 20 July 2007, Thatcham suffered widespread surface water flooding, with initial estimates of approximately 1,100 houses flooded, resulting in economic losses to both residents of the area and businesses. The flooding was caused by a combination of runoff from the rural catchment to the north of the town and urban overland flows.

In November 2008 West Berkshire were one of six local authorities awarded funding from Defra to undertake a Pilot Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP) to investigate further the mechanism of flooding in Thatcham and identify options to reduce the risk of surface water flooding.

The development of the Thatcham SWMP led to the establishment of the Thatcham Flood Forum and the development of the Thatcham flood alleviation schemes.



Strategy (with links)DateSummary
Icon for pdf Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2022-2027 [4MB] 2021

Under the Flood and Water Management Act (2010), Lead Local Flood Authorities (LLFAs) are required to produce a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS). This document provides a framework for flood risk management within the boundary of the authority, setting policies and outlining a plan of deliverable actions.

The West Berkshire LFRMS was produced in 2013, and subsequently updated in 2021, following a formal review in 2020. The West Berkshire LFRMS 2021 outlines how the council, in its role as LLFA, will work with other risk management authority partners to better understand, communicate and manage local flood risk, both now and in the future.

Icon for doc Lambourn Valley Flood Management Plan [1MB] 2013The purpose of this Flood Risk Management Plan is to manage and reduce the risk of flooding in a way that benefits people, property and the natural environment within the Lambourn Valley. It gives details of the roles of the organisations and individuals who are responsible for managing flood risk. It sets a number of flood risk management objectives and draws together a range of proposed actions to be undertaken by individuals and organisations to minimise future flood risk.
Icon for doc Pang Valley Flood Management Plan [6MB] 2013The purpose of this Flood Risk Management Plan is to manage and reduce the risk of flooding in a way that benefits people, property and the natural environment within the Pang Valley. It gives details of the roles of the organisations and individuals who are responsible for managing flood risk. It sets a number of flood risk management objectives and draws together a range of proposed actions to be undertaken by individuals and organisations to minimise future flood risk.
Icon for doc Newbury Flood Management Plan [1MB] 2013The Flood Action Plan (FAP) for the River Kennet and Kennet and Avon Canal through Newbury set out a framework of actions to formalise the current informal and occasionally ad-hoc operational arrangements in place during flood events for the many and variously owned flow and level control structures through Newbury.


Policies and supporting documents

Policy (with links)DateSummary
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) - West Berkshire Council Level 12020

This Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) 2022 document replaces the Level 1 SFRA published by West Berkshire District Council (the Council) in 2008, and the SFRA update published in October 2015. It forms part of the evidence base for the West Berkshire Local Plan Review to 2036 (LPR) and emerging Minerals and Waste Local Plan (MWLP).

The SFRA is a planning tool that will assist the Council in its selection and development of sustainable development sites away from vulnerable flood risk areas in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and its associated Planning Practice Guidance on Flood Risk and Coastal Change.

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) - West Berkshire Council Level 2 (supporting document)2020The Level Two assessment includes detailed assessments of the potential site allocations. These sites will be subject to further site assessment as part of the Local Plan Review (LPR) or neighbourhood planning process to determine which will ultimately be selected as allocations.
Icon for pdf Sustainable Drainage Systems Supplementary Planning Document (December 2018) [11MB] 2018The Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) provides guidance on the approach that should be taken to Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) in new developments in West Berkshire to manage and mitigate surface water flood risk.
Icon for pdf Core Strategy - CS16 - Flooding [186KB] 2012This policy aims to achieve a planning solution to flood risk management wherever possible, steering vulnerable development away from areas affected by flooding.



Revoked, historic or superseded documents


Report (with links)DateSummary
Icon for doc Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment [20MB] 2011

The Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PFRA) was carried out as part of the now revoked Flood Risk Regulations (2009).

The West Berkshire Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment characterises the flood risk throughout West Berkshire now and how this might change in the future. It uses this data to determine if any areas are defined as being at significant flood risk.

The PFRA established that, despite the flood history in West Berkshire, no areas qualify for classification as being at significant flood risk. However, Newbury and Thatcham are identified as local adverse flood risk areas due to the impact of flooding in these towns on the towns themselves and adjoining communities.

A review in 2017 suggested there had been no change to the councils understanding of significant flood risk, but did mention how the 2014 floods made us more aware of the impact of flooding.



Report (with links)DateSummary
Icon for doc Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2013-2017 [13MB] 2014

Under the Flood and Water Management Act (2010), Lead Local Flood Authorities are required to produce a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS). This document provides a framework for flood risk management within the boundary of the authority, setting policies and outlining a plan of deliverable actions.

This document was superseded by the 2021 Local Flood Risk Management Strategy.


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