Notices of No Nominations Received for Parish Elections 2023
Parishes and parish wards in West Berkshire for which no nominations were received for the May 2023 elections
The downloads below show the parishes and parish wards where no nominations were received for the elections on 4 May 2023.

Cold Ash Florence Gardens May 2023 No nominations received - 4 parishes or wards (Adobe pdf files)
Cold Ash Florence Gardens May 2023 No nominations received - 4 parishes or wards

Cold Ash Manor Park May 2023 No nominations received - 4 parishes or wards (Adobe pdf files)
Cold Ash Manor Park May 2023 No nominations received - 4 parishes or wards

Lambourn Eastbury May 2023 No nominations received - 4 parishes or wards (Adobe pdf files)
Lambourn Eastbury May 2023 No nominations received - 4 parishes or wards

Wokefield May 2023 No nominations received - 4 parishes or wards (Adobe pdf files)
Wokefield May 2023 No nominations received - 4 parishes or wards