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Changes to leadership at West Berkshire Council

Councillor Lee Dillon announces sabbatical, with Councillor Jeff Brooks becoming Acting Leader.

Posted by: Communications team on 25 January 2024 08:55
Lee Dillon

Councillor Lee Dillon has announced he is taking a sabbatical from his role as Leader of the Council with effect from Thursday 1 February.

Lee will continue to sit on the Executive where he will be involved in key decisions and discussions, and will remain the portfolio holder for Public Safety. Councillor Jeff Brooks, currently the Deputy Leader, will become Acting Leader and take on the responsibilities associated with the role.

The move follows a previously stated intention by Councillor Dillon to put himself forward as a candidate at the next general election. The new arrangements will be in place until after the election has been held - which must be held by January 2025 - at which point they will be reviewed by the Executive group.

Speaking about his decision, Councillor Lee Dillon said:

"It has been an honour to serve as Leader since the elections last May and stepping aside, for now, has not been an easy decision. However, we have put in a place, and are delivering on, an ambitious Council Strategy and have an Executive who are settled into their roles and committed to delivering for local residents. We are in a good position to face the opportunities and challenges in the year ahead and I look forward to continuing to play my part on the front bench.

"Councillor Brooks is an experienced councillor and he has my full support. I look forward to continuing to work with him for the benefit of West Berkshire residents."

Last modified: 25 January 2024 08:14

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