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OAP I cannot Be! by Lorraine Roberts

Posted by: Lorraine Roberts on 16 October 2023 11:12

Oh no the letter's arrived - a sight to behold

Now I'm a pensioner, officially old!

It just CANNOT be, the years have flown fast

I once had a future but now it's more past


Where have my dreams gone? they've melted away

I once had tomorrows but now live for today

What have I learnt from the passing of years?

I know I've had trials and shed buckets of tears


Mistakes and wrong paths, I've followed a few

but youth with no wisdom is just what we do

Our God has been with me from baby to grey

I oft didn't know that He'd guided the way


So in life's cycle I embrace this next phase

It's not to the world but to heaven I'll gaze

I thank heaven above for the years I've been given

To Faith, Trust and Hope in Eternal I'm driven


The letter from Pensions is only a marker

That old age is lighter and surely not darker

Young, mid and old age should firmly unite

...  Whatever our age we must FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT ...

Last modified: 16 October 2023 11:13

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