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On reaching 90 by Mary Lapworth

Posted by: Mary Lapworth on 16 October 2023 11:11

I will say goodbye to the things I can't do,

Now that I'm older.......more sensible too!

Goodbye to wild camping on Highlands and moors,

Was it really such fun in a heavy downpour?

Or sleep in the open, with heather under head......

Think I'd rather be at home in my warm comfy bed.

I've watched the sun rise from a lonely hill top,

And spent a whole year backpacking in Europe.

I've had my adventures so now I don't care,

For climbing up mountains...... I can still climb the stairs!


I think I'll say adieu to partying all night,

Or getting totally plastered, dear me! What a sight!

And would I really want to feel that ill again?

These days I need to be in bed by 10.00.

I'll no longer wear short skirts or very High heels.......

At 90, I suspect I've lost my Man appeal.

But I'll certainly say goodbye to boring grey hair.....

Maybe I'll go magenta or orange for a dare.

I won't feel shy, self-conscious, or bored,

Stupid or worried about being ignored.

And I won't spend my time with those unfriendly to me.....

Life's too short to waste on the wrong company.

Last modified: 16 October 2023 11:11

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