New four-year strategy unveiled by Council
Strategy sets out our priorities and goals in the years ahead.
A new Council Strategy and Delivery Plan has been published setting out the priorities and direction for West Berkshire Council over the next four years.
The strategy is set to be adopted next week subject to approval by full Council when it meets on Thursday (5 October).
Delivering more homes that people can afford, achieving net zero by 2030, protecting our vibrant towns and villages and delivering new infrastructure are among the goals set out under the five new priorities for West Berkshire Council. These are:
Services we are proud of
A fairer West Berkshire with opportunities for all
Tackling the climate and ecological emergency
A prosperous and resilient West Berkshire
Thriving communities with a strong local voice
It's the first strategy to be developed by the new Liberal Democrat administration following the local elections in May 2023. It draws on feedback from residents and businesses through a public consultation earlier this year as well as reflecting commitments made by the Liberal Democrats in their manifesto.
Introducing the new strategy Councillor Lee Dillon, Leader of West Berkshire Council said:
"This strategy lays out what we want to achieve over the next four years. It's been developed by listening to local people and looking at a wide body of evidence to understand where our priorities should be focused. For the first time it includes specific, measurable goals as well as a published timeline so that our goals and progress delivering them is available for all to see.
"I'm proud to say that we have already implemented some key changes: Council meetings are more open than ever before, we have asked the opposition councillors to take over chairing the main scrutiny committee, so we don't mark our own homework, and we have re-introduced Community Forums so we can get your input and feedback directly on things that are important for the district. This is just the start and we look forward to moving forward with our ambitions this year and in the years to come."
The new Council Strategy will be discussed at the next full Council meeting. The agenda and reports for the meeting - including the strategy - are available to read on our website.
The full Council meeting takes place at 7pm on Thursday 5 October at the Market Street offices in Newbury. Residents are invited to attend in person and can also stream the meeting live on the Council's YouTube channel.
Did you know you can ask questions at Council, Executive, and Health and Wellbeing Board meetings? They can be about any subject relating to the Council or wellbeing in West Berkshire and they will be answered by the relevant councillor. You can find out more about asking questions on our website.