About West Berkshire

Car parking
Find out about parking in public car parks as well as parking permits, season tickets and EV charging.
Local transport options
Find out about local buses, tickets and fares, community transport, pay-as-you-go and electric vehicles.
Parks and countryside
Find out about the wonderful parks and countryside we have in West Berkshire, as well as about our Public Rights of Way.
Our council offices
Find out more about our council offices across West Berkshire, including opening times and addresses.
Roadworks and maintenance
Find out about any current or upcoming roadworks and our road maintenance programme, as well as how to report problems.
Your district in facts and figures
Find out more about West Berkshire, including statistical data for our wards and district.
Community support and events
Information about local community support, including support for Ukraine, Cost of Living support, armed forces support and other community events.
Council jobs and careers
Visit our jobs site to find out more about jobs, careers and opportunities at West Berkshire Council.