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Theale report (2015) (Adobe pdf files) SERVICE AREA: Landscape Capacity Assessment of Potential Housing Sites within and adjacent to the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, W...
Transport Assessment - Appendix D (Burghfield Common Traffic Impact Report) (Adobe pdf files) Common Preferred Options Housing Sites: Broad assessment of transport impact Introduction This note sets out the approach taken to considering the tr...
Thatcham report (2015) (Adobe pdf files) SERVICE AREA: Landscape Capacity Assessment of Potential Housing Sites within and adjacent to the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, W...
Lambourn report (2015) (Adobe pdf files) SERVICE AREA: Landscape Capacity Assessment of Potential Housing Sites within and adjacent to the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, W...
Newbury report (2015) (Adobe pdf files) SERVICE AREA: Landscape Capacity Assessment of Potential Housing Sites within and adjacent to the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, W...
Long Copse Farm (2015) (Adobe pdf files) SERVICE AREA: Landscape Capacity Assessment of Potential GTTS Sites, West Berkshire: GTTS2 LONG COPSE FARM REPORT August 2015 1 KIRKHAM LANDSCAPE PLANNING...
LCA Land to the north west of Furze Hill, Hermitage (Adobe pdf files) SERVICE AREA: Landscape Capacity Assessment of Gypsy and Traveller sites within and adjacent to the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty,...
Transport Assessment - Appendix A (Shortlisted Sites and TA Approach) (Adobe pdf files) A Shortlisted Sites and Transport Assessment Methods Site ID Site Address Dev. Potential Transport Assessment Method NEW012 Land north of Newbury Colle...
Stratfield Mortimer NDP SEA & HRA Screening (Adobe pdf files) IAH Supplementary Planning Document – Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report West Berkshire Council Stratfield Mortimer Neighbourhood Development Plan ...
Stratfield Mortimer NDP SEA Screening Decision Notice (Adobe pdf files)* 6 October 2015 Stratfield Mortimer Parish Council Planning and Countryside Council Offices Market Street Newbury Berkshire RG14 5LD Our Ref: CPL/SM NDP Your R...