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Safer driving in winter for road users to assist you in having a safe journey in bad winter weather conditions.
Clearing snow and ice from pavements/public spaces (Winter Service Plan: Appendix Q) guide is designed to help you to act in a neighbourly way by safely clearing snow and ice from pavements and public spaces.
Highwood Copse Primary School (Academy) reported problems
Community Wellness Outreach Project Community Wellness Outreach Project aims to make sure that everyone in West Berkshire has the opportunity to lead a healthy life, focusing on people in vuln...
Transition from Children's Services about the transition from children's to adult services
Highway maintenance: our duty and responsibilities duties and responsibilities for keeping roads safe and useable, including safety inspections and responding to reports, ongoing improvements and dealing wit...
Repairing potholes about how we repair potholes, temporary and permanent repairs, how we prioritise repairs and inspections.
Road maintenance out about our winter gritting routes, highway improvement programme, dealing with obstructions and maintaining street lights.
Annual Report 2024 (Adobe pdf files) Report Financial year 1 April 2023 - 31 March 2024 Introduction Our vision is for an inclusive, modern, sustainable, and high-quality public library serv...
Business Rates Credits as at 25th April 2024 (Excel documents)