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Strategy, ICT and Governance, ICT & Governance is a diverse service area which includes a wide range of functions, many of which the council has a legal duty to undertake.
Launching our second open digital planning service've launched our second open digital planning service West Berkshire Council was awarded funding from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities ...
Children's Social Work in West Berkshire
Draft Waste Management Strategy 2025-2032 for Consultation (September 2024) - Summary infographics (Adobe pdf files) WASTE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2025-2032 FOR CONSULTATION (SEPTEMBER 2024) - SUMMARY INFOGRAPHICS Draft Waste Management Strategy 2025-2032 for Consultation (S...
West Berkshire Customer Charter Berkshire is a great place to live, work and visit
Draft Carers Strategy 2024-2027 for consultation (October 2024) (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Council’s Carers Strategy 2024-2027(Draft) Contents 1. Introduction 4 2. Purpose 4 3. National and Local Policies 4 4. Approach 5 5. Partner Orga...
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2023-2024 (Adobe pdf files) Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2023-2024
Exploitation modern slavery, county lines and identifying potential victims.
Draft Waste Management Strategy 2025-2032 for Consultation (September 2024) (Adobe pdf files) WASTE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2025-2032 FOR CONSULTATION (SEPTEMBER 2024) Draft Waste Management Strategy 2025-2032 for Consultation (September 2024) Draft Wa...
Core Documents List (Adobe pdf files) 78 appeal against refusal of planning permission 22/00244/FULEXT by West Berkshire Council Appeal reference: APP/W0340/W/22/3312261 Land to the rear of ...