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Procurement out more about being an external buyer or becoming a supplier for West Berkshire Council.
Natural Solutions Delivery Partnership partnership set up to develop how to use natural solutions within West Berkshire to enhance biodiversity and capture carbon.
HUG2 energy efficiency grant about the Home Upgrade Grant (HUG2), a free government funded grant to help improve the energy efficiency of your home, including eligibility criter...
The Virtual School: designated teachers and resources to support designated teachers in schools and colleges.
Therapeutic Approaches Approaches is a whole school cultural strategy that focuses on improving the educational experiences and outcomes for all children. Therapeutic Appr...
CD87LA~1 (Adobe pdf files) Decision Site visit made on 15 December 2020 by S M Holden BSc(Hons) MSc CEng MICE CTPP FCIHT MRTPI an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for ...
CD8.2 Appeal Decision 21_00012_REF--5901753 (Adobe pdf files) Decision Site visit made on 11 May 2021 by Rachael Pipkin BA (Hons) MPhil MRTPI an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State Decision date: 25 June 2...
CD81DE~1 (Adobe pdf files) Decision by SoS in Boundary Hall Appeal June 2011
CD84CR~1 (Adobe pdf files) Crest Nicholson Operations Limited Hallam Land Management Limited Wilson Enterprises Li(139627287.1)
CD83LA~1 (Adobe pdf files) Land West of Kingfisher Grove Three Mile Cross