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Unused school funding to be redistributed to benefit pupils funds are excessive, surplus funds will be returned to improve local services for children and young people Schools in West Berkshire have recently voted ...
HAF Annual Report 2023/24 (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Holidays, Activities and Food Programme 2023 Annual Report West Berkshire HAF Webpage: Activi...
Enborne Governor Recruitment Flyer (Adobe pdf files) C of E Primary School Enborne Church of England Primary School believes that every child is a gift from God and, as such, our school is a place where th...
Complaints - Guidance Notes in Making a Complaint Against a Councillor (Adobe pdf files), CODE OF CONDUCT, COMPLAINT, ELECTED, WEST BERKSHIRE COUNCIL Complaints - Guidance Notes in Making a Complaint Against a Councillor Guidance Notes on m...
New pothole criteria introduced Administration has been determined to improve the way we repair our roads and achieve significantly better outcomes as a result. Accordingly, the Council co...
West Berkshire Everyone Active Discount leisure centre discount for residents of West Berkshire.
Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) application form (Documents) England Prosperity Fund application form Rural England Prosperity Fund application form Please read the eligibility criteria and guidance before completin...
Report a Pothole us know about a pothole, surface defect or other problem with a road
Out of year - in year request form (Documents) to apply for a year group that isn’t normal for the child’s age This form is for parents who are applying to change schools but would like their child t...
Secondary School Application- years 9 to 11 - In year admissions (Documents) SCHOOL APPLICATION- YEARS 9 TO 11 - IN YEAR ADMISSIONS Secondary School Application- years 9 to 11 - In year admissions Secondary School Application- ...