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Parliamentary election timetable 2024 of Proceedings for Thursday 4 July 2024 election.
Mental Health Support Team: referrals into the Mental Health Support Team (MHST) can be made in 2 ways: Direct to the MHST through half-termly surgeries held with Senior Mental Heath Leade...
Mental Health Support Team launched in January 2020, the Trailblazer West Berkshire MHST is currently working with 28 schools across the region, providing additional support to...
Mental Health Support Team: how do we work? work in collaboration with the CYP, school and home to support the CYP presenting needs as we work on the premise that we all have responsibility to look ...
Homechoice: the housing register out about joining the West Berkshire housing register and our housing website, Homechoice.
Mutual exchange to swap your housing association home with another social tenant.
Shared ownership about part-rent/part-buy shared ownership schemes, eligibility and how to find providers.
What do we do with your data in Adult Social Care (Adobe pdf files) do we do with your data? Well, the short answer is... We collect information to help us to arrange your care We only share your information with organisati...
Safeguarding Adults Easy Read Leaflet (Adobe pdf files) Adults From Abuse This leaflet explains what adult abuse is and what you can do if you think you are being abused. Working in partnership with This...
Information About Dementia people in West Berkshire living with dementia.