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CD20.21 Rule 6 Party - ONR - Closing Statement (Adobe pdf files) TO THE REAR OF THE HOLLIES NURSING HOME, READING ROAD BURGHFIELD COMMONS RG7 3LZ PLANNING APPEAL REF: APP/W0340/W/22/3312261 ______________________________...
traffic signal switch out application form (Documents) for traffic signal switch out COMPANY NAME LOCATION OF WORKS (MUST HAVE TWO STREET NAMES) TYPE OF SIGNALS (JUNCTION OR PEDESTRIAN CROSSING) PURCHASE...
Draft Statement of Licensing Policy 2023-2028 your say
New Chairman of West Berkshire Council elected Billy Drummond takes on the role of Chairman for 2024/25
Investigating the Service Standard start of our work on offering consistent and even better digital services
Walking and Cycling Maps and Routes and information helping you to travel by foot and on bike, to help you keep fit, lose weight, reduce traffic, and improve the air quality in your local are...
Thatcham Park Clerk Vacancy (Adobe pdf files) PARK CE PRIMARY SCHOOL Park Avenue, Thatcham, Berkshire RG18 4NP Headteacher: Mrs Alison Webster Tel: 01635 870950 e-mail: office@thatchampark.w-berks....
Governors Code of Conduct 2023/2024 (Adobe pdf files) of Conduct for Academic Year 2023-24 for School Governors/Members/Trustees in Maintained Schools/Academies This code sets out the expectations and commitme...
Solar Together Berkshire second round of the scheme, designed to make clean energy more accessible and affordable, is now open.
Contact the Grounds Maintenance Officer Berkshire Council's Grounds Maintenance Officer with responsibility for parks and open spaces