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Privacy Notice - Concessionary Bus Fares (Adobe pdf files) Notice This privacy notice sets out how West Berkshire District Council (the “Council”) will use your personal data, and your rights in relation to that...
Privacy Notice - Council Tax (Adobe pdf files) Notice This document describes how and why we collect, store, protect, process and share the data you give to us. We collect personal data to manage and...
Privacy Notice - Complaints (Adobe pdf files) Notice This document describes how and why we collect, store, protect, process and share the data you give to us. We collect personal data to help us to...
Privacy Notice - Disabled Children's Team (Adobe pdf files) Notice This document describes how and why we collect, store, protect, process and share the data you give to us. We collect personal data to help us to...
Privacy Notice - Development Plan (Adobe pdf files) Notice This document describes how and why we in the Planning Policy section of West Berkshire District Council (“the Council”) collect, store, protect,...
Privacy Notice - Early Years Children's Funding and Census Returns (Adobe pdf files) Notice This document describes how and why we collect, store, protect, process and share the data you give to us. We collect personal data to help us to...
Privacy Notice - Emotionally-Based School Avoidance (EBSA) (Adobe pdf files) DP0001 Privacy Notice Version No: 1.0 Issue Date: Sept 2023 This privacy notice sets out how West Berkshire District Council (the “Council”) will use...
Privacy Notice - Electoral Service (Adobe pdf files) Notice This document describes how and why we collect, store, protect, process and share the data you give to us. We collect personal data to enable us ...
Privacy Notice - Educational Psychology Service (Adobe pdf files) Notice This privacy notice sets out how West Berkshire District Council (the “Council”) will use your personal data, and your rights in relation to that...
Privacy Notice - Emotional Health Academy (Adobe pdf files) Notice We collect personal data on referral forms when you refer yourself – or are referred by someone else – to the Emotional Health Academy. This docu...