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  • Apply for a Private Hire Vehicle Licence

    Apply to West Berkshire District Council for the grant or renewal of a licence to use a Private Hire Vehicle within the District of West Berkshire Council

  • Apply for a Private Hire Operators Licence

    Apply to West Berkshire District Council for the grant / renewal of a licence to operate Private Hire Vehicles.

  • Licensing of Activities Involving Animals

    Licences for selling animals as pets, the provision of boarding for cats or dogs, riding establishments, breeding dogs and keeping or training animals for exhib...

  • Apply for a Licence to Keep Dangerous Wild Animal(s)

    A person requires a licence from the council if they keep a 'dangerous wild animal', as specified in the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976

  • Apply for a Licence to Keep a Zoo

    Zoos are regulated, and must have a licence

  • Report an Infestation of Rats or Mice

    Tell us about an infestation

  • Apply for a Temporary Event Notice

    For events that include selling alcohol, providing entertainment and serving hot food or drink.

  • Apply for a Premises Licence


  • Apply for a Premises Licence

    A premises licence is required for one or more of: The sale or supply of alcohol; Provision of regulated entertainment; Provision of late night refreshment

  • Apply to Vary a Premises Licence

    The holder of a Premises Licence may apply at any time to the licensing authority for a variation of the licence eg modify opening hours, or add or remove licen...

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