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Creatively Engaged (Adobe pdf files) ENGAGED Creatively Engaged Creatively Engaged
SEND Local Offer and Family Information Service our pages on the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Local Offer and Family Information Service.
Educational Psychology in Schools, Colleges and Early Years we help Educational Psychologists work with mainstream pupils aged 0-18 and pupils with EHCs aged 0-25. This could include those: at risk of permanent excl...
Schools Forum Berkshire's Schools Forum.
Educational Psychology Service: information for families positive outcomes for vulnerable children and young people.
West Berkshire Council SEND Accessibility Policy 2024-2029 (Adobe pdf files), POLICY West Berkshire Council SEND Accessibility Policy 2024-2029 WBC Accessibility policy
Wraparound Childcare goal is to make life easier for working parents or carers by offering reliable care that helps children start and finish their school day smoothly.
Supply-chain sub-contractor actuals 2024-25 (Adobe pdf files) of Subcontractor UKPRN Contract Dates Provision Type Contract Value Actual Funding Paid Funding retained Parenting Special Children 10034955 01/08/2023 - 3...
Working with the Community Learning Service and training for adult education providers in West Berkshire
Section 251 Budget 2024-25 (Excel documents) - LA Table LA Table: FUNDING PERIOD (2024-25) Department for Education Section 251 Financial Data Collection Report produced on 10/01/2025 14:02:28 Local Au...