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Reading advice sheet for parents - Cognition and Learning Team (CALT) (Adobe pdf files) advice sheet on helping your child with reading for parents to print off. noindex
Handwriting advice sheet - Cognition and Learning Team (CALT) (Adobe pdf files) advice sheet on helping your child with their handwriting for parents to print off. noindex
Spelling advice sheet - Cognition and Learning Team (CALT) (Adobe pdf files) advice sheet on helping your child with spelling for parents to print off. noindex
Oral (spoken) language advice sheet - Cognition and Learning Team (CALT) (Adobe pdf files) advice sheet on developing your child's oral (spoken) language for parents to print off. noindex
Maths advice sheet - Cognition and Learning Team (Adobe pdf files) advice sheet of top tips for children with numeracy difficulties for parents to print off. noindex
Maths advice sheet (concrete, pictorial and abstract explained) - Cognition and Learning Team (Adobe pdf files) – ADVICE SHEETS Maths What is the Concrete Pictorial Abstract in Maths? The Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) approach is a system of learning that uses ph...
Cognition and Learning Team (CALT) Cognition and Learning Team (CALT) is an advisory service, providing advice, training, guidance and support for schools, working in partnership with staff.
Education Advice for Parents, Guardians and Carers of Children who have left Care through a Permanency Order (Adobe pdf files) Advice for Parents, Guardians and Carers of Children who have left Care through a Permanency Order
Statutory Guidance for the Virtual School - Feb 2018 (Adobe pdf files) SCHOOL STATUTORY GUIDANCE Statutory Guidance for the Virtual School - Feb 2018 Statutory Guidance for the Virtual School
A Request for Advice - Virtual School West Berkshire (Adobe pdf files) / CAO / AO Support West Berkshire’s Virtual School The Children and Social Work Act 2017 extended the role of the Virtual School to offer advice, informatio...