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West Berkshire Fostering about our fostering service, becoming a foster carer in West Berkshire, as well as linking to the Adopt Thames Valley website
Become a Foster Carer out more about becoming a foster carer and register your interest.
Appeal Against a School Transport Decision - Stage 2 for an independent panel to undertake a review of your application
Apply for Free Transport to a Special School, Resource Unit or iCollege all with an EHC assistance from home to school for children attending a Special School, Resource Unit or iCollege, all with an EHC
Apply for Free Transport to a West Berkshire Council School and the iCollege Without an EHC offer free transport to some pupils at schools run by us and the iCollege for students without an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan.
Apply for the School Transport Farepaying Scheme pupils who are not entitled to free home to school transport to apply for a spare seat on a school bus or a discounted train pass to school or college
Appeal Against a School Transport Decision - Stage 1 for a Senior Officer to undertake a review of your application
Apply for Free Transport to a non-West Berkshire Council School for free transport to a non-West Berkshire Council School.