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Becoming a childminder out about becoming a childminder in West Berkshire.
Ofsted (for childcare providers) to tell Ofsted about changes and information about Ofsted inspections.
Information for Childcare Providers on early years funding, becoming a childminder, Ofsted and our SEND Toolkit for Early Years.
Stories That Inspire the stories that inspire.
The Virtual School: previously looked after children support for previously looked after children in West Berkshire.
Therapeutic Approaches schools to begin their Therapeutic Approaches journey they must first train either the Head Teacher or a member of the Senior Leadership Team to become a Th...
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Local Offer Local Offer sets out provision which is available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), aged 0 to 25, includ...
School Governors and Clerks and guidance for governors and clerks
Local Offer: health and wellbeing are many health services available to support children with SEN and disabilities and their families. In West Berkshire, some services are provided by the ...
Families EPS Wellbeing and Recovery Activity Booklet (Adobe pdf files) Psychology Service Wellbeing and Recovery Primary and Early Years Activity Booklet June 2020 Returning to settings/school following Covid-19 WELLBEI...