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Multiply funding guidance (Adobe pdf files) Funding Application Guidance 1. Background Multiply is a £559 million national Government investment that forms part of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. ...
Farepaying Home to School Transport pupils who are not entitled to free home to school transport to apply for a spare seat on a school bus to school or college.
Thatcham Park Clerk Vacancy (Adobe pdf files) PARK CE PRIMARY SCHOOL Park Avenue, Thatcham, Berkshire RG18 4NP Headteacher: Mrs Alison Webster Tel: 01635 870950 e-mail: office@thatchampark.w-berks....
Governors Code of Conduct 2023/2024 (Adobe pdf files) of Conduct for Academic Year 2023-24 for School Governors/Members/Trustees in Maintained Schools/Academies This code sets out the expectations and commitme...
Education, Health and Care Assessment Criteria (Adobe pdf files), Health and Care Assessment Criteria Communication Everyday Life Learning and Health Development Family and Behaviour Community and Emotions Criteria ...
Education, Health and Care assessment process flow chart (Adobe pdf files) Assessment Process Flowchart Other agency Parental request School request using EHC Assessment Request request in writing SEN Case Officer’s initial convers...
EHC Assessment Request Form (Documents) Assessment request form 18 Request for an Education, Health and Care Assessment NB: Education, Health and Care will be referred to as EHC throughout this as...
EHC Practitioners report template (Documents)'s report template Practitioner’s Report For EHC Assessment Requests, Annual Reviews and EHC Conversions Name of practitioner completing report: :……...
Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) Format (template document) (Adobe pdf files) Health Care Plan (EHCP) Format (template document)
EHC consent to share form (Documents) to share form EHC Consent to Share Form Why do we need to collect information about you? In order to be able to provide the right kind of services for y...