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Primary allocation information (Documents) School Allocation Information This document provides the following information: Contacting the admissions team Reasons for not being offered your prefer...
Junior applications 23 (Excel documents) Admission Round Information- This report shows the count of applications per criteria per Junior School. Calcot Junior School Home Local Authority Prefer...
Junior allocations (Excel documents) Admission Round Information - This report shows the count of allocations per criteria per Junior School. Calcot Junior School Home Local Authority Prefer...
Early years funding for childcare providers about registering for early years funding and using the portal, as well as funding rates and guidance on the Disability Access Fund.
Early Years and Childcare
SEND Toolkit for Early Years Toolkit for SEND in the Early Years Welcome to the Practitioners Toolkit for SEND in the Early Years. If you think a child in your setting is pres...
Sensory and Physical Need for children who are presenting with sensory and/or physical need
Cognition and Learning for children who are presenting with physical needs
Behaviour and emotion for children who are presenting with behavioural and emotional needs.
Communication language and speech for children who are presenting with communication, language and speech needs