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Helping Children, Young People and Families about our services for children, young people and families, including early help, safeguarding and children with disabilities
Registering Baby's Birth
Castle School Governor Vacancy (Adobe pdf files) SCHOOL GOVERNOR VACANCY Castle School Governor Vacancy Castle School Governor Vacancy
Children's Services, Schools and Education and services relating to Children and Family Services, schools, early years and childcare and lifelong learning
Fostering South East events and join us at one of our events for Fostering South East.
Are you a foster carer? are pleased to announce that at the start of July we will be joining 19 other local authorities to launch a new regional fostering recruitment hub.
Fostering South East 2024 Berkshire Council is proud to be partnering with 19 other local authorities as part of a new regional fostering recruitment hub - Local Authority Fostering...
New regional recruitment hub launches are pleased to announce that today (8 July) we are joining 19 other local authorities in launching a new regional fostering recruitment hub.
Fostering South East 2024 launches East local authorities join forces to recruit more foster carers
A Flying Start with Letters and Sounds Flying Start with Letters and Sounds is a multi-sensory, systematic, synthetic phonics programme validated by the Department of Education.