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What to Expect: Voluntary Care (Section 20) for families about voluntary care of your child, also called a Section 20
The Children in Care Team Children in Care team work with children under 16 who have a plan for long term care.
The Post-16 and Leaving Care Teams 16 plus and Care Leavers Team work with young people aged between 16 and 21 years (in some cases up to 24 years depending on a needs assessment).
Corporate Parenting about West Berkshire Council acting as a corporate parent to all children in care
What to Expect: Supervised Family Time for families about what to expect for supervised family time with Children in Care (CIC)
What to Expect: Children in Care (CIC) Reviews about what's involved in a Children in Care (CIC) review.
Occupational Therapy therapists play a critical role in helping children and young people overcome the effects of disability so that they can carry out everyday tasks
Direct Payments a parent you can use direct payments to employ a person to support and care for your child/young person
Youth Justice Plan about our annual Youth Justice Plan and a link to the full document
Feedback about Children and Family Services us know your comments and compliments about the service you received