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Chieveley Primary School reported problems
Guidance Notes - Charging for Residential Care (Adobe pdf files) Note for Service Users Charging for residential and nursing care homes Will there be a charge? You will usually have to pay a contribution towards the ...
Route Guard Travel App young people travel safely in West Berkshire
Police Area Returning Officer (PARO) 2024 in 41 police force areas in England and Wales (excluding London) will elect a Police and Crime Commissioner for their force area on 2 May 2024. In 2021, ...
Adult Social Care Strategy 2022-2026 (July 2022) (Adobe pdf files) SOCIAL CARE STRATEGY 2022-2026 (JULY 2022) Adult Social Care Strategy 2022-2026 (July 2022) Please note (April 2024): the ASC Strategy is under review as ...
Helping Children, Young People and Families about our services for children, young people and families, including early help, safeguarding and children with disabilities
House and Road Naming existing homeowners to apply to rename a house, and for developers to apply to name new roads, and number and name new houses.
Community Orchards out more about what a community orchard is and our community orchard at Almond Avenue.
E-Learning West Safeguarding Children Partnership FGM E-Learning Course E-Learning Training on Prevent E-Learning Training Channel Awareness
Registering Baby's Birth