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Sandbag Policy Berkshire Council's Policy regarding the deployment of sandbags and other flood defence equipment.
Blacknest Lane Enforcement Appeal Documents Library is the Enforcement Appeal Documents library.
Drainage Maintenance the local Highway Authority, West Berkshire Council is responsible for maintaining approximately 32,000 roadside gullies across the district. We empty and cl...
Bereavement and Grief and advice for people who are bereaved and need information on where to go for help and support Our aim is to ensure that anyone who is grieving can...
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL): previous charging rates charging rates as set out in the charging schedule and rates from 2021, 2022 and 2023.
Information for Reablement carers for approved West Berkshire Reablement carers only.
Community learning: Making it Happen newsletter and promoting adult and family learning across West Berkshire
Nature Conservation on ecology, biodiversity enhancement and nature conservation.
Running in West Berkshire (Run Together) out more about Run Together, a free running groups especially for beginners in West Berkshire.
Blacknest Lane Appeal Inquiry Documents Library inquiry documents library includes all relevant documents that were reviewed and accepted by the inspector during the course of the inquiry.