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CD22.37 - G3 Site photographs (Adobe pdf files) 1-VP All photographs have been taken with an SLR 50mm focal length lens or digital equivalent and processed as the standard size of ...
CD22.38 - G4 Photomontage (Adobe pdf files) Copse Gorse Covert (GC) Western edge of hedge linking GC with DGC High WoodDirty Ground Copse (DGC) Title : Sandleford Park, Newbury No Revision D ra...
CD22.35 - G1 Historic OS Maps (Adobe pdf files) G1-HISTORIC 0 4 6 2 7 . 0 0 0 0 5 . 1 6 . 6 0 7 - A P P E N D I X G 1 - H I S T O R I C M A P S - 1 8 7 3
CD22.42 - G7 LGIDMP (Adobe pdf files) Park, Newbury ES Appendix G7 - LGIDMP Page G7-1 APPENDIX G7: LANDSCAPE AND GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT PLAN 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Purpo...
CD22.41 - G6 Visual Effects Table (Adobe pdf files) Park, Newbury ES Appendix G6 - Visual Effects Table Terminology for Visual Effect: Abbreviations: Type of View: Glimpsed, Open, Oblique, Framed, Filt...
CD22.40 - G6 Landscape Effects Table (Adobe pdf files) Park, Newbury ES Appendix G6 - Landscape Effects Table Terminology for Landscape Effect: Landscape Value: High, Medium, Low Reversibility: Reversible...
CD22.44 - G9 Heritage and Landscape Assessment (Adobe pdf files) Park, Newbury ES Appendix G9 - Heritage and Landscape Assessment of the Proposed Country Park Page G9-1 APPENDIX G9: HERITAGE AND LANDSCAPE ASSESSMEN...
CD22.51 - I3 Heritage Asset Lists (Adobe pdf files)þÿ APPENDIX I3 – HERITAGE ASSET LISTS This section contains lists of heritage assets within the study area. Abbreviations in the Period column are explained in ...
CD22.50 - I2 Assessment Methodology (Adobe pdf files) I2 – ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY Terminology The term ‘cultural heritage’ includes all aspects of the physical historic environment, together with intangibl...
CD22.48 - H1 Soil Resources (Adobe pdf files) Homes Southern Land at Sandleford Park, Newbury, Berkshire Soil Resources March 2015 Reading Agricultural Consultants Ltd Beechwood Court, Long Toll, Wood...