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CD13.28 PHE “Public Health Protection in Radiation Emergencies” (Adobe pdf files) PHE “Public Health Protection in Radiation Emergencies”
CD13.29 Emergency Response and Recovery (Adobe pdf files) Emergency Response and Recovery
CD13.30 SB Appendix 1 - AWE reps to the Regulation 18 WB Local Plan r (Adobe pdf files) SB Appendix 1 - AWE reps to the Regulation 18 WB Local Plan r
CD13.31 SB Appendix 2 - 2005 and 2008 Illustrative Framework Plans (Adobe pdf files) SB Appendix 2 - 2005 and 2008 Illustrative Framework Plans
CD13.32 SB Appendix 3 - AWE B’s planning history (Adobe pdf files) SB Appendix 3 - AWE B’s planning history
CD14.3 Appendix 2 - Opinion of Mr Gregory Jones KC (Adobe pdf files) Appendix 2 - Opinion of Mr Gregory Jones KC
CD14.4 Appendix 3 - Three Mile Cross Appeal Decision Letter (Adobe pdf files) Appendix 3 - Three Mile Cross Appeal Decision Letter
CD14.5 Appendix 4 - Letter from Pinsent Masons Solicitors (Adobe pdf files) Appendix 4 - Letter from Pinsent Masons Solicitors
CD14.6 Appendix 5 - Submissions of the Appeal Site Landowners - Redac (Adobe pdf files) Appendix 5 - Submissions of the Appeal Site Landowners - Redac
CD14.7 Mr Peter Flanagan Neighbour Comments_Redacted (Adobe pdf files) Mr Peter Flanagan Neighbour Comments_Redacted