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Section 251 Outturn 2023-24 (Excel documents) 251 Outturn 2023-24
Section 251 Budget 2023-24 (Excel documents) - LA Table LA Table: FUNDING PERIOD (2023-24) Department for Education Section 251 Financial Data Collection Report produced on 10/01/2025 13:56:23 Local Au...
Section 251 Outturn 2022-23 (Excel documents) 251 Outturn 2022-23
A Flying Start about our Flying Start programmes, including our phonics programme 'A Flying Start with Letters and Sounds' and our school readiness programme 'A Fl...
School Term and Holiday dates 2026/27 (calendar view) (Adobe pdf files) Term & Holidays 2026-2027 Draft programme of school term and holiday dates for West Berkshire schools for the academic year 2026-2027 September 2026 Octo...
Applying for Secondary School Places out how to apply for a Year 7 secondary school place.
Becoming a Foster Carer: The Process step-by-step guide to the process of being approved as a foster carer
Overseas conflict are a number of conflicts overseas which may be feeling close to home for children and families who have strong connections with the countries involved.
Educational Psychology Service positive outcomes for vulnerable children and young people.
Therapeutic Thinking Support Team Therapeutic Thinking Support Team (TTST) recognise that if we want to change a child's behaviour in school we must first change the way they feel by providi...