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Bond Riverside (London Road Industrial Estate) Regeneration Programme plans for the area adjacent to Newbury town centre.
Environmental Health and improving the health, safety and welfare of people at home, at work or at play by enforcing the law, suggesting best practices and giving advice...
Environment Strategy Delivery Plan (Excel) (Excel documents) Welcome to West Berkshire's Environment Strategy Delivery Plan. This plan sets out the activities and actions that the Council along with its partn...
Environment Strategy Delivery Plan (PDF) (Adobe pdf files) Strategy Delivery Plan (PDF)
Guidance For Community Emergency Plan (Adobe pdf files) - Public Community Emergency Plan Guidance Introduction This document aims to reach the public and those in community groups that are working to enhance ...
Business Rates Open Data Rates - regular freedom of information requests.
Children in entertainment: entertainment licence form and guidance on how to apply for an entertainment licence.
Children in entertainment: Body of Persons Approval (BOPA) Body of Persons Approval (where large numbers of children are taking part in a performance), criteria for applying, guidance on how to apply and the appli...
Children in entertainment: chaperoning law, a child performing or rehearsing for a public performance must be with their parent, carer, or a registered chaperone.
Children in employment about employer responsibilities and work permits for employing school-age children and young people.