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CD22.45 - Appendix G10 Sequential Views (Adobe pdf files) 4 6 2 7 . 0 0 0 0 5 . 1 6 . 6 2 5 - P R O W S E Q U E N T I A L V I E W S S H E E T 1 SANDLEFORD PARK, NEWBURY ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT SEQUENTIAL
CD22.6 - B2 EIA Scoping Opinion (Redacted) (Adobe pdf files)
CD22.57 - N1 Noise Assessment (Adobe pdf files) creative minds safe hands Bloor Homes and Sandleford Farm Partnership Proposed Mixed-Use Development Land at Sandleford Park, Newbury Noise Assessme...
CD8.20 - WBC Infrastructure Delivery Plan (2016) (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Council Infrastructure Delivery Plan April 2016 West Berkshire Council: Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan April 2016 -1- Contents 1. Introductio...
CD8.17 - WBC Quality Design (2006) (Adobe pdf files) Town and Country Panning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004 Regulation 19 WEST BERKSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL ADOPTION OF QUALITY DESIGN – WEST BERK...
CD8.19 - WBC Updated Housing Needs Evidence (2020) (Adobe pdf files) A Y 2 0 2 0 IC E N I P R O J E C T S L IM IT E D O N B E H A L F O F W E S T B E R K S H IR E C O U N
CD8.18 - WBC Strategic Housing Market Assessment (2016) (Adobe pdf files) (including South Bucks) Strategic Housing Market Assessment Berkshire Authorities and Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership Final Repor...
CD8.24 - Newbury Town Design Statement (2018) (Adobe pdf files) Newbury Town Design Statement June 2017 Allotments Parks Waterways Town Council Boundary KEY “The town of Newbury is built on both sides of the valley ...
CD8.25 - West Berkshire Environment Strategy (2020-2030) (Adobe pdf files) 2020-30 1 Environment Strategy 2020-2030 2 STRATEGY 2020-30 1. Foreword 3 2. Introduction 5 3. Context 7 4. Our Vision for the West Berkshire Environme...
CD8.23 - WYG Sandleford Park Landscape and Visual Assessment (2009) (Adobe pdf files) Word - A0586666 L&Vassessmentv4 091009.doc Sandleford Park, Newbury Landscape and visual assessment October 2009 Sandleford Park, Newbury Landscape an...