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Mental Health Support Team launched in January 2020, the Trailblazer West Berkshire MHST is currently working with 28 schools across the region, providing additional support to...
Mental Health Support Team: how do we work? work in collaboration with the CYP, school and home to support the CYP presenting needs as we work on the premise that we all have responsibility to look ...
Academy Schools Service Guide to EPS (Adobe pdf files) Schools Service Guide 2023-2024 WBC Educational Psychology Service Welcome We are a well-established, professional psychological support service for chi...
Maintained Schools Service Guide to EPS (Adobe pdf files) Schools Service Guide 2023-2024 WBC Educational Psychology Service Welcome We are a well-established, professional psychological support service for ...
EBSA - Guidance for schools (Adobe pdf files) Based School Avoidance (EBSA) - Guidance for schools.
West Berkshire Autism Toolkit for Schools (Adobe pdf files) West Berkshire Toolkit for Schools 2 Contents: Supporting Autistic pupils in schools: Introduction The West Berkshire Autism Team Chapter 1: What is Autism?...
SEN identification guidance (Adobe pdf files) identification guidance (PDF)
SEND category descriptors (Adobe pdf files) category descriptors (PDF)
Graduated Approach Plan (GAP) (Adobe pdf files) Approach Plan (GAP) - (PDF)
Early Years support and achievement play plan (Documents) and Achievement Play Plan (Refer to Early Years Quality Team SAPP Guidance leaflet) Name of child: DOB: Current age in months: Code of Practice stage: A...